VTB Capital Russia & CIS Equity Fund Ltd

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 908
Current Score: 143
Current Rank: 908
All-time Average Rank: 1574
All-time Average Score: 116
Max Drawdown: -19.30
Annualized Standard Deviation: 25.08
Year to Date Return: 28.10
5-Star Rating: 25.08

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 908 -118 143 -34 -1.22% Unknown 7.85 $10,307,339
April / 2016 790 -177 177 -4 11.68% Unknown 0.89 $9,951,338
March / 2016 613 -45 181 56 11.68% Unknown 7.75 $9,234,150
February / 2016 568 440 125 3 3.75% Unknown -5.53 $8,268,748
November / 2015 1008 596 122 72 3.19% Unknown -8.64 $8,397,465
August / 2015 1604 54 50 49 -5.43% Unknown -28.89 $8,088,630
July / 2015 1658 96 1 -53 -5.12% Unknown -26.43
June / 2015 1754 -101 54 -36 -4.56% Unknown -26.55 $8,878,477
March / 2015 1653 -542 90 -73 -2.09% Unknown -19.20 $8,536,107
February / 2015 1111 753 163 79 21.26% Unknown -24.29 $8,718,497
November / 2014 1864 -30 84 -8 -7.41% Unknown -25.55 $9,526,629
October / 2014 1834 1623 92 -14 -6.48% Unknown -23.85 $10,289,143
September / 2014 3457 -1705 106 -15 -3.55% Unknown -16.79 $11,001,623
August / 2014 1752 92 121 12 -2.15% Unknown -6.72 $11,404,587
July / 2014 1844 -513 109 -82 -5.28% Unknown -8.50 $11,655,672
June / 2014 1331 -197 191 15 7.50% Unknown 1.71 $12,304,935
May / 2014 1134 720 176 76 12.46% Unknown -8.94 $11,446,897
April / 2014 1854 424 100 9 -4.28% Unknown -20.84 $10,178,679
March / 2014 2278 -316 91 -21 -8.26% Unknown -22.15 $10,633,745
February / 2014 1962 40 112 20 -2.79% Unknown -19.73 $11,591,447
January / 2014 2002 -73 92 -28 -9.93% Unknown -20.21 $11,923,975
November / 2013 1929 -625 120 -46 -5.30% Unknown -4.97 $13,195,449
October / 2013 1304 0 166 New 2.19% Unknown -2.20 $13,933,974


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


VTB Capital Russia & CIS Equity Fund Ltd's best month was February 2015, ranked #1111 with a HedgeScore of 163 earning a 21.26% positive return of $1,853,552.

VTB Capital Russia & CIS Equity Fund Ltd's worst month was January 2014 , ranked #2002 with a HedgeScore of 92 taking a -9.93% loss of -$1,184,051.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!