Wykeham Capital Asia Value Fund

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 532
Current Score: 190
Current Rank: 532
All-time Average Rank: 461
All-time Average Score: 238
Max Drawdown: -21.88
Annualized Standard Deviation: 20.75
Year to Date Return: 6.43
5-Star Rating: 20.75

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 532 -377 190 -88 -4.72% Unknown -6.31 48.64 $37,165,743
April / 2016 155 -22 278 -3 5.80% Unknown 9.47 54.64 $36,653,563
March / 2016 133 -79 281 14 7.57% Unknown 15.59 46.23 $29,825,851
February / 2016 54 175 267 81 8.06% Unknown 8.02 31.88 $26,196,574
January / 2016 229 7 186 -55 -9.17% Unknown 3.96 18.51 $23,997,826
November / 2015 236 -20 241 -20 -0.72% Unknown 16.58 36.93 $22,334,643
October / 2015 216 -98 261 -29 1.70% Unknown 16.58 38.20 $21,808,912
June / 2015 118 20 290 -6 2.35% Unknown 55.72 $22,821,951
April / 2015 138 195 296 50 11.72% Unknown 36.37 $18,620,000
March / 2015 333 11 246 -9 0.52% Unknown 19.92 $16,621,570
February / 2015 344 -92 255 -3 3.99% Unknown 17.70 $15,235,000
January / 2015 252 374 258 47 4.62% Unknown 16.12 $14,602,212
December / 2014 626 -228 211 -41 -4.09% Unknown 16.31 $13,191,646
November / 2014 398 -80 252 -7 1.60% Unknown 23.98 $13,476,918
October / 2014 318 399 259 31 4.27% Unknown 26.25 $12,614,438
September / 2014 717 -293 228 -28 -0.49% Unknown 22.98 $11,296,653
August / 2014 424 44 256 18 5.93% Unknown 25.99 $11,352,500
July / 2014 468 461 238 21 4.43% Unknown 20.26 $10,462,568
June / 2014 929 -97 217 25 0.75% Unknown 17.20 $9,721,099
April / 2014 832 107 192 -9 -1.76% Unknown 20.47 $9,566,989
March / 2014 939 -290 201 -28 -1.33% Unknown 27.06 $9,114,617
February / 2014 649 -59 229 8 2.59% Unknown 29.34 $8,970,081
January / 2014 590 300 221 12 4.79% Unknown 28.02 $8,742,839
November / 2013 890 117 209 16 3.45% Unknown 21.81 $7,494,326
October / 2013 1007 0 193 New 1.57% Unknown 16.40 $6,409,545


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund February 2016


Wykeham Capital Asia Value Fund's best month was April 2015, ranked #138 with a HedgeScore of 296 earning a 11.72% positive return of $2,182,264.

Wykeham Capital Asia Value Fund's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #229 with a HedgeScore of 186 taking a -9.17% loss of -$2,200,601.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!