Z Europe Fund USD Ltd

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1565
Current Score: 69
Current Rank: 1565
All-time Average Rank: 1092
All-time Average Score: 153
Max Drawdown: -26.24
Annualized Standard Deviation: 14.70
Year to Date Return: -5.65
5-Star Rating: 14.70

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1565 192 69 -25 -0.20% Unknown -22.05 -14.17 $2,229,000
April / 2016 1757 -651 94 9 3.67% Unknown -22.38 -12.62 $2,233,000
March / 2016 1106 -65 85 74 2.15% Unknown -23.07 -16.79 $2,154,000
February / 2016 1041 -111 11 -36 -3.61% Unknown -24.44 -16.30
January / 2016 930 47 47 -78 -7.38% Unknown -18.05 -13.92 $2,188,000
November / 2015 977 161 125 -8 0.90% Unknown -13.63 4.01 $2,680,000
October / 2015 1138 363 133 50 5.11% Unknown -16.72 1.02 $2,656,000
August / 2015 1501 -149 83 -41 -7.06% Unknown -18.50 4.81 $2,687,038
July / 2015 1352 -120 124 -18 -4.30% Unknown -12.47 11.35 $2,891,000
June / 2015 1232 22 142 0 -3.04% Unknown -7.00 17.67 $2,949,000
April / 2015 1254 -296 142 -28 2.75% Unknown -3.66 20.78
March / 2015 958 -110 170 -19 0.34% Unknown -4.89 20.61 $3,480,000
February / 2015 848 563 189 61 4.54% Unknown -3.66 19.18 $3,468,000
January / 2015 1411 -501 128 -53 -6.80% Unknown -5.60 12.84 $3,317,000
December / 2014 910 -30 181 -12 -2.22% Unknown 2.00 24.10 $3,579,000
November / 2014 880 -333 193 -29 -2.72% Unknown 6.94 25.88 $3,661,000
October / 2014 547 1689 222 65 1.25% Unknown 8.49 30.40 $3,763,000
September / 2014 2236 -1482 157 -55 -1.70% Unknown 7.17 26.58
August / 2014 754 194 212 26 -0.19% Unknown 8.15 32.10 $3,521,000
July / 2014 948 -116 186 -38 1.69% Unknown 11.56 33.35
June / 2014 832 73 224 29 0.59% Unknown 16.19 28.90 $3,469,000
May / 2014 905 -317 195 -26 -0.78% Unknown 8.51 28.03 $3,448,000
April / 2014 588 128 221 0 1.44% Unknown 10.14 35.75 $3,589,000
March / 2014 716 -37 221 11 1.63% Unknown 9.28 45.56 $3,538,000
January / 2014 679 430 210 20 0.70% Unknown 4.34 50.67 $3,398,000
November / 2013 1109 210 190 25 -1.30% Unknown 4.28 46.13 $3,292,000
October / 2013 1319 0 165 New 0.02% Unknown 7.40 52.07


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Z Europe Fund USD Ltd's best month was October 2015, ranked #1138 with a HedgeScore of 133 earning a 5.11% positive return of $135,722.

Z Europe Fund USD Ltd's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #930 with a HedgeScore of 47 taking a -7.38% loss of -$161,474.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!