Caja Murcia Seleccion Dinamica FIL

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
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Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 806
All-time Average Score: 207
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
March / 2015 356 110 243 8 4.59% Unknown 17.83 31.13 $2,299,284
February / 2015 466 -31 235 7 3.69% Unknown 14.55 28.83 $2,295,935
January / 2015 435 142 228 11 3.31% Unknown 11.29 22.40 $2,227,630
December / 2014 577 340 217 28 2.98% Unknown 5.34 15.93 $2,312,229
November / 2014 917 -96 189 -2 -0.46% Unknown 3.72 13.94 $2,450,946
October / 2014 821 133 191 -20 -0.62% Unknown 6.45 15.31 $2,474,725
September / 2014 954 -116 211 6 0.95% Unknown 7.01 14.95 $2,510,682
August / 2014 838 1 205 7 1.23% Unknown 4.68 16.18 $2,693,911
July / 2014 839 701 198 18 1.36% Unknown 3.14 16.45 $2,802,244
June / 2014 1540 -694 180 -21 -0.59% Unknown 3.66 17.42 $3,333,422
May / 2014 846 91 201 18 1.09% Unknown 3.64 19.15 $3,785,080
April / 2014 937 -109 183 -28 -0.83% Unknown 5.33 18.38 $4,096,150
March / 2014 828 60 211 7 1.68% Unknown 7.46 21.10 $4,362,308
February / 2014 888 142 204 25 0.74% Unknown 5.98 19.22 $4,375,187
January / 2014 1030 -219 179 -40 -2.21% Unknown 4.80 17.33 $4,064,308
December / 2013 811 -72 219 -5 1.39% Unknown 10.12 20.15 $4,176,942
November / 2013 739 209 224 25 2.16% Unknown 10.18 19.66 $4,070,630
October / 2013 948 121 199 4 -0.10% Unknown 10.98 17.35 $4,043,053
September / 2013 1069 -401 195 -11 -1.25% Unknown 12.58 13.88 $4,243,165
August / 2013 668 -33 206 -20 -0.25% Unknown 15.17 15.43 $4,218,827
July / 2013 635 -38 226 12 1.87% Unknown 16.59 15.88 $4,392,354
June / 2013 597 -78 214 -28 -0.61% Unknown 17.87 14.03 $6,597,083
May / 2013 519 232 242 33 2.73% Unknown 21.25 14.90 $7,065,438
April / 2013 751 268 209 24 1.18% Unknown 7.93 12.83 $7,137,806
March / 2013 1019 -96 185 0 0.28% Unknown 1.08 11.74 $7,077,435
February / 2013 923 0 185 New -0.38% Unknown 1.98 12.20 $10,573,522


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Caja Murcia Seleccion Dinamica FIL's best month was March 2015, ranked #356 with a HedgeScore of 243 earning a 4.59% positive return of $105,537.

Caja Murcia Seleccion Dinamica FIL's worst month was January 2014 , ranked #1030 with a HedgeScore of 179 taking a -2.21% loss of -$89,821.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!