Akragas SIF SICAV Demetra Fund (EUR) AA

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 767
All-time Average Score: 201
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
October / 2015 905 -206 160 -11 -1.57% Unknown -8.71 $43,241,010
August / 2015 699 -66 171 -28 -1.06% Unknown -6.31 $51,148,575
July / 2015 633 62 199 14 0.02% Unknown -3.55 $87,565,648
June / 2015 695 -74 185 -18 -2.34% Unknown -3.61 $99,462,129
May / 2015 621 30 203 1 -0.12% Unknown -1.62 $100,213,611
April / 2015 651 -6 202 0 -0.05% Unknown -3.03 $102,544,958
March / 2015 645 -27 202 -13 -0.09% Unknown -2.01 $98,331,470
February / 2015 618 113 215 24 0.93% Unknown -2.09 $102,785,719
January / 2015 731 -254 191 -38 -2.26% Unknown -1.79 $102,452,768
December / 2014 477 134 229 10 0.13% Unknown 1.62 $112,407,737
November / 2014 611 -124 219 -12 -0.36% Unknown 2.20 $102,649,410
October / 2014 487 436 231 18 0.23% Unknown 2.75 $103,536,924
September / 2014 923 -384 213 -26 -1.49% Unknown 4.11 $90,966,245
August / 2014 539 389 239 52 1.86% Unknown 6.15 $82,332,394
July / 2014 928 537 187 4 -0.05% Unknown $26,415,910
June / 2014 1465 -332 183 7 -0.32% Unknown $25,618,845
May / 2014 1133 -368 176 -23 -1.55% Unknown $25,614,895
April / 2014 765 64 199 -11 1.00% Unknown $26,436,835
February / 2014 829 -118 210 3 1.24% Unknown $43,551,002
January / 2014 711 326 207 13 1.13% Unknown $38,498,379
November / 2013 1037 0 194 New 0.18% Unknown $28,474,110


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Akragas SIF SICAV Demetra Fund (EUR) AA's best month was August 2014, ranked #539 with a HedgeScore of 239 earning a 1.86% positive return of $1,531,383.

Akragas SIF SICAV Demetra Fund (EUR) AA's worst month was June 2015 , ranked #695 with a HedgeScore of 185 taking a -2.34% loss of -$2,327,414.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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