Akragas SIF SICAV Heracles Fund (CHF) B

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 756
All-time Average Score: 205
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
October / 2015 419 632 219 81 10.27% Unknown 3.23 $4,190,615
August / 2015 1051 -561 138 -81 -8.48% Unknown -0.07 $4,111,643
July / 2015 490 212 219 35 1.55% Unknown 12.41 $4,520,242
June / 2015 702 -255 184 -43 -4.38% Unknown 10.71 $4,514,160
May / 2015 447 199 227 24 1.36% Unknown 15.92 $4,348,138
April / 2015 646 -241 203 -30 -1.27% Unknown 17.18 $4,319,394
March / 2015 405 70 233 -1 2.69% Unknown 19.39 $4,219,902
February / 2015 475 -66 234 2 3.99% Unknown 15.25 $4,210,204
January / 2015 409 345 232 36 3.84% Unknown 14.43 $4,171,630
December / 2014 754 -151 196 -25 -0.90% Unknown 8.29 $3,719,965
November / 2014 603 -30 221 2 1.67% Unknown 12.32 $3,838,202
October / 2014 573 527 219 15 1.44% Unknown 12.20 $3,779,177
September / 2014 1100 -498 204 -26 -0.87% Unknown 13.71 $3,639,463
August / 2014 602 160 230 25 2.96% Unknown 18.27 $3,879,313
July / 2014 762 271 205 -5 0.02% Unknown 13.34 $3,795,257
June / 2014 1033 -336 210 -6 0.11% Unknown 18.26 $3,890,818
May / 2014 697 229 216 32 2.47% Unknown 13.44 $3,855,427
April / 2014 926 437 184 16 0.59% Unknown 10.22 $3,820,117
March / 2014 1363 -430 168 -32 -0.87% Unknown 10.65 $3,996,227
February / 2014 933 267 200 34 3.25% Unknown 14.97 $4,043,208
January / 2014 1200 -153 166 -28 -1.73% Unknown 12.80 $3,808,248
November / 2013 1047 0 194 New 1.55% Unknown 16.23 $3,778,715


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Akragas SIF SICAV Heracles Fund (CHF) B's best month was October 2015, ranked #419 with a HedgeScore of 219 earning a 10.27% positive return of $430,376.

Akragas SIF SICAV Heracles Fund (CHF) B's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1051 with a HedgeScore of 138 taking a -8.48% loss of -$348,667.


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Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!