Akragas SIF SICAV Heracles Fund (EUR) AA

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
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Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 225
All-time Average Score: 290
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
October / 2015 68 171 315 71 10.49% Unknown 6.33 $305,280,946
August / 2015 239 -155 244 -75 -8.22% Unknown 2.75 $351,637,195
July / 2015 84 57 319 38 1.83% Unknown 15.40 $377,765,987
June / 2015 141 -65 281 -47 -4.21% Unknown 13.51 $374,112,768
May / 2015 76 47 328 25 1.60% Unknown 18.85 $384,298,815
April / 2015 123 -54 303 -29 -1.03% Unknown 20.05 $383,183,382
March / 2015 69 5 332 0 3.02% Unknown 22.19 $371,092,067
February / 2015 74 -15 332 1 4.04% Unknown 17.75 $369,487,400
January / 2015 59 99 331 37 4.56% Unknown 17.05 $357,321,864
December / 2014 158 -50 294 -27 -0.79% Unknown 10.16 $366,435,827
November / 2014 108 -27 321 2 1.80% Unknown 14.30 $380,517,457
October / 2014 81 103 319 22 1.57% Unknown 14.17 $375,679,667
September / 2014 184 -65 297 -23 -0.71% Unknown 15.74 $313,433,283
August / 2014 119 143 320 49 3.08% Unknown 20.39 $286,062,755
July / 2014 262 123 271 -3 0.16% Unknown 15.40 $114,010,728
June / 2014 385 -130 274 -5 0.29% Unknown 20.42 $109,507,993
May / 2014 255 165 279 35 2.63% Unknown 15.46 $108,824,663
April / 2014 420 223 244 16 0.74% Unknown 12.04 $107,746,820
March / 2014 643 -245 228 -37 -0.73% Unknown 12.50 $109,782,782
February / 2014 398 118 265 34 3.42% Unknown 16.89 $137,381,802
January / 2014 516 -30 231 -27 -1.60% Unknown 14.65 $133,838,737
November / 2013 486 0 258 New 1.68% Unknown 18.20 $130,099,788


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund October 2014


Top 100 Hedge Fund January 2015
Top 100 Hedge Fund February 2015
Top 100 Hedge Fund March 2015
Top 100 Hedge Fund May 2015
Top 100 Hedge Fund July 2015
Top 100 Hedge Fund October 2015


Akragas SIF SICAV Heracles Fund (EUR) AA's best month was October 2015, ranked #68 with a HedgeScore of 315 earning a 10.49% positive return of $32,023,971.

Akragas SIF SICAV Heracles Fund (EUR) AA's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #239 with a HedgeScore of 244 taking a -8.22% loss of -$28,904,577.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!