Arbiter Partners Class C

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 367
Current Score: 222
Current Rank: 367
All-time Average Rank: 802
All-time Average Score: 191
Max Drawdown: -20.26
Annualized Standard Deviation: 21.80
Year to Date Return: -2.55
5-Star Rating: 21.80

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 367 -281 222 -78 -4.65% Unknown -14.68 35.77 $686,000,000
April / 2016 86 71 300 29 6.45% Unknown -9.90 35.28 $686,000,000
March / 2016 157 814 271 220 4.97% Unknown -14.25 28.74 $686,000,000
February / 2016 971 -150 51 -29 -4.80% Unknown -18.01 17.18
January / 2016 821 268 80 -26 -4.75% Unknown -8.70 19.46
November / 2015 1089 -525 106 -92 -4.90% Unknown -5.30 43.91
October / 2015 564 -485 198 -105 12.59% Unknown 2.99 43.62
August / 2015 79 216 303 52 1.64% Unknown -13.59 50.25 $735,000,000
July / 2015 295 -174 251 -37 -8.11% Unknown -16.97 43.64 $723,000,000
June / 2015 121 961 288 130 -3.34% Unknown -9.06 65.30 $806,000,000
May / 2015 1082 33 158 1 0.77% Unknown -6.22 73.95
April / 2015 1115 16 157 1 1.69% Unknown -4.33 59.21
March / 2015 1131 -227 156 -28 1.72% Unknown -3.61 58.10
February / 2015 904 388 184 47 5.99% Unknown 0.93 46.38
January / 2015 1292 110 137 6 -2.50% Unknown 0.25 41.07
December / 2014 1402 -512 131 -61 -3.15% Unknown -2.27 45.59
November / 2014 890 406 192 45 3.39% Unknown 4.55 56.52
October / 2014 1296 259 147 -35 -7.26% Unknown 6.38 58.60
September / 2014 1555 -623 182 -14 -4.91% Unknown 18.83 67.09
August / 2014 932 -291 196 -21 -2.38% Unknown 25.73 81.04
July / 2014 641 475 217 12 0.60% Unknown 24.45 98.79
June / 2014 1116 -466 205 -17 -0.33% Unknown 25.73 106.14
May / 2014 650 48 222 -7 2.55% Unknown 21.07 112.59
November / 2013 698 0 229 New 5.02% Unknown 26.57 134.46


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund August 2015


Top 100 Hedge Fund April 2016


Arbiter Partners Class C's best month was October 2015, ranked #564 with a HedgeScore of 198 earning a 12.59% positive return.

Arbiter Partners Class C's worst month was July 2015 , ranked #295 with a HedgeScore of 251 taking a -8.11% loss of -$58,635,300.


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Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!