Aristeia Partners, L.P. Unrestricted

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 72
Current Score: 305
Current Rank: 72
All-time Average Rank: 722
All-time Average Score: 222
Max Drawdown: -8.04
Annualized Standard Deviation: 5.06
Year to Date Return: 3.27
5-Star Rating: 5.06

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 72 39 305 14 3.10% Unknown -3.20 19.81 $1,057,271,099
April / 2016 111 -2 291 3 1.11% Unknown -6.79 16.40 $1,057,271,099
March / 2016 109 698 288 195 0.95% Unknown -6.75 14.87 $1,057,271,099
February / 2016 807 -66 93 -3 -0.50% Unknown -8.61 13.92
January / 2016 741 -659 96 -199 -1.40% Unknown -7.18 15.44
November / 2015 82 54 295 12 -0.22% Unknown -7.01 21.35 $1,059,158,280
October / 2015 136 1107 283 163 -2.31% Unknown -7.68 20.93 $1,082,744,423
August / 2015 1243 224 120 11 0.03% Unknown -10.02 28.97
July / 2015 1467 54 109 -5 -1.07% Unknown -10.56 30.13
June / 2015 1521 -119 114 -5 -1.08% Unknown -8.78 33.26
May / 2015 1402 -78 119 -17 -0.75% Unknown -7.24 34.15
April / 2015 1324 207 136 21 1.20% Unknown -7.78 32.44
March / 2015 1531 -1442 115 -213 -1.07% Unknown -8.62 32.87
February / 2015 89 1439 328 210 1.03% Unknown -7.50 37.91 $1,311,945,837
January / 2015 1528 -104 118 -10 -1.40% Unknown -7.59 37.67
December / 2014 1424 -1295 128 -183 -1.50% Unknown -3.11 41.03
November / 2014 129 1209 311 167 -0.90% Unknown -0.78 47.63 $884,013,982
October / 2014 1338 657 144 -20 -3.17% Unknown 0.77 50.47
September / 2014 1995 -1933 164 -181 -1.96% Unknown 5.61 57.87
August / 2014 62 -33 345 -19 -0.57% Unknown 8.56 66.29 $830,600,733
July / 2014 29 20 364 1 0.89% Unknown 10.90 71.75 $813,453,405
June / 2014 49 18 363 19 0.58% Unknown 10.22 81.47 $821,119,194
May / 2014 67 14 344 -8 -1.34% Unknown 9.76 88.36 $828,704,875
November / 2013 81 0 352 New 0.74% Unknown 16.66 134.42 $425,916,609


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund November 2013


Top 100 Hedge Fund May 2014
Top 100 Hedge Fund June 2014
Top 100 Hedge Fund July 2014
Top 100 Hedge Fund August 2014


Top 100 Hedge Fund February 2015
Top 100 Hedge Fund November 2015


Top 100 Hedge Fund May 2016


Aristeia Partners, L.P. Unrestricted's best month was May 2016, ranked #72 with a HedgeScore of 305 earning a 3.10% positive return of $32,775,404.

Aristeia Partners, L.P. Unrestricted's worst month was October 2014 , ranked #1338 with a HedgeScore of 144 taking a -3.17% loss.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!