Barrington Opportunity Fund, LP

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 587
Current Score: 181
Current Rank: 587
All-time Average Rank: 681
All-time Average Score: 203
Max Drawdown: -19.81
Annualized Standard Deviation: 26.02
Year to Date Return: 8.33
5-Star Rating: 26.02

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 587 -32 181 -27 -1.55% Unknown 7.96 42.12 $2,737,002
April / 2016 555 -191 208 -23 1.23% Unknown 7.82 43.97 $2,780,324
March / 2016 364 -134 231 41 9.68% Unknown 4.92 48.50 $2,746,269
February / 2016 230 320 190 62 6.38% Unknown -3.84 36.68 $2,503,740
January / 2016 550 -321 128 -115 -6.84% Unknown -3.02 33.42 $2,353,496
November / 2015 229 399 243 52 13.33% Unknown 5.41 58.26 $2,752,766
October / 2015 628 406 191 51 9.83% Unknown -9.28 42.10 $2,428,855
August / 2015 1034 -200 140 -37 -7.15% Unknown -4.44 56.66 $2,414,228
July / 2015 834 -377 177 -42 -5.71% Unknown 1.90 58.86 $2,600,023
June / 2015 457 267 219 26 2.83% Unknown 2.88 70.24 $2,757,503
May / 2015 724 -10 193 -2 -1.67% Unknown 5.17 59.60 $2,681,497
April / 2015 714 -156 195 -18 -1.50% Unknown 8.04 50.54 $2,726,972
March / 2015 558 -108 213 -25 0.53% Unknown 5.12 59.04 $3,110,970
February / 2015 450 598 238 78 7.28% Unknown 3.81 71.71 $3,144,199
January / 2015 1048 -613 160 -77 -5.64% Unknown -1.49 70.27 $2,930,669
December / 2014 435 398 237 39 4.19% Unknown 6.11 72.38 $3,105,870
November / 2014 833 -520 198 -62 -2.46% Unknown 5.01 87.69 $2,980,889
October / 2014 313 1941 260 104 12.94% Unknown 5.09 98.88 $3,056,007
September / 2014 2254 -1395 156 -47 -6.17% Unknown -5.65 68.09 $2,705,873
August / 2014 859 107 203 19 -0.99% Unknown 2.10 86.64 $2,883,756
July / 2014 966 -434 184 -72 -4.81% Unknown 0.64 92.85 $2,912,595
June / 2014 532 10 256 22 5.12% Unknown 11.53 127.25 $3,060,157
May / 2014 542 106 234 0 1.02% Unknown 5.71 136.58 $2,910,686
November / 2013 648 0 234 New -2.38% Unknown 18.72 182.84 $2,837,847


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Barrington Opportunity Fund, LP's best month was November 2015, ranked #229 with a HedgeScore of 243 earning a 13.33% positive return of $366,944.

Barrington Opportunity Fund, LP's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1034 with a HedgeScore of 140 taking a -7.15% loss of -$172,617.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!