Brevan Howard Fund Limited Class B GBP

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1427
Current Score: 89
Current Rank: 1427
All-time Average Rank: 1314
All-time Average Score: 137
Max Drawdown: -6.67
Annualized Standard Deviation: 5.36
Year to Date Return: -2.12
5-Star Rating: 5.36

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1427 378 89 1 -0.31% Unknown -6.67 10.31
April / 2016 1805 -702 88 2 -0.85% Unknown -5.29 11.28
March / 2016 1103 -459 86 -28 -2.00% Unknown -6.03 12.83
February / 2016 644 -20 114 -2 0.47% Unknown -3.74 15.91
January / 2016 624 63 116 -45 0.50% Unknown -4.87 15.93
November / 2015 687 460 161 29 2.41% Unknown 1.94 20.25
October / 2015 1147 -144 132 -11 -0.64% Unknown 0.49 16.98
August / 2015 1003 -15 143 -19 -0.96% Unknown 4.41 20.08
July / 2015 988 188 162 15 0.34% Unknown 5.31 22.76
June / 2015 1176 -233 147 -23 -1.23% Unknown 5.83 19.76
May / 2015 943 88 170 6 1.17% Unknown 7.24 23.13
March / 2015 1031 237 164 15 0.40% Unknown 6.15 25.71
February / 2015 1268 -381 149 -26 -0.60% Unknown 5.29 25.28
January / 2015 887 523 175 45 3.66% Unknown 4.73 24.15
December / 2014 1410 -35 130 -18 -0.14% Unknown -0.35 19.45
November / 2014 1375 113 148 18 0.89% Unknown 0.24 20.04
October / 2014 1488 324 130 -41 -1.96% Unknown 1.02 19.42
September / 2014 1812 -104 171 48 4.51% Unknown 2.30 22.91
August / 2014 1708 -176 123 -13 -0.09% Unknown -2.05 19.30
July / 2014 1532 1463 136 14 0.73% Unknown -3.84 20.17
June / 2014 2995 -1171 122 7 -0.24% Unknown -5.51 20.78
May / 2014 1824 -471 115 -56 -0.28% Unknown -8.00 19.94
November / 2013 1353 0 171 New 1.66% Unknown 3.52 39.01


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Brevan Howard Fund Limited Class B GBP's best month was September 2014, ranked #1812 with a HedgeScore of 171 earning a 4.51% positive return.

Brevan Howard Fund Limited Class B GBP's worst month was March 2016 , ranked #1103 with a HedgeScore of 86 taking a -2.00% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!