Cassiopeia Fund - Class B

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 189
Current Score: 261
Current Rank: 189
All-time Average Rank: 373
All-time Average Score: 241
Max Drawdown: -1.63
Annualized Standard Deviation: 4.26
Year to Date Return: 5.04
5-Star Rating: 4.26

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 189 98 261 12 2.27% Unknown 9.94 30.23 $48,092,132
April / 2016 287 -23 249 1 0.92% Unknown 7.94 32.02 $47,511,783
March / 2016 264 -169 248 8 1.18% Unknown 6.10 36.82 $47,608,639
February / 2016 95 46 240 25 0.90% Unknown 4.11 32.22 $47,346,283
January / 2016 141 129 215 -15 -0.32% Unknown 4.01 30.29 $43,624,331
November / 2015 270 78 230 -1 -0.23% Unknown 5.92 38.25 $43,088,680
October / 2015 348 -187 231 -36 -0.74% Unknown 5.97 40.64 $43,272,025
August / 2015 161 182 267 24 3.18% Unknown 6.19 49.12 $45,591,373
July / 2015 343 -28 243 1 0.61% Unknown 1.63 55.79 $37,624,677
June / 2015 315 118 242 13 2.17% Unknown -0.02 60.42 $39,556,058
May / 2015 433 143 229 18 0.41% Unknown -0.68 55.06 $40,841,583
April / 2015 576 -26 211 -2 -0.80% Unknown -0.97 39.93 $41,713,774
March / 2015 550 -116 213 -27 -0.71% Unknown -0.89 35.00 $43,623,398
February / 2015 434 -79 240 0 0.80% Unknown -1.71 40.04 $60,288,314
January / 2015 355 37 240 -4 0.86% Unknown -2.92 40.60 $74,100,822
December / 2014 392 119 244 11 0.73% Unknown -3.98 45.28 $81,975,742
November / 2014 511 -23 233 2 -0.19% Unknown -4.62 55.95 $85,529,422
October / 2014 488 130 231 -7 -0.82% Unknown -4.15 56.28 $99,482,339
September / 2014 618 -37 238 5 -0.14% Unknown -4.36 57.91 $105,498,943
August / 2014 581 -117 233 -5 -1.25% Unknown -4.16 68.84 $108,188,707
July / 2014 464 -18 238 -28 -1.02% Unknown -4.34 69.20 $113,573,197
June / 2014 446 -45 266 12 1.49% Unknown -0.78 61.94 $118,144,599
May / 2014 401 -110 254 -39 0.12% Unknown -2.21 64.60 $122,558,458
November / 2013 291 0 293 New 0.31% Unknown 0.23 78.26 $194,495,431


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund February 2016


Cassiopeia Fund - Class B's best month was August 2015, ranked #161 with a HedgeScore of 267 earning a 3.18% positive return of $1,449,806.

Cassiopeia Fund - Class B's worst month was August 2014 , ranked #581 with a HedgeScore of 233 taking a -1.25% loss of -$1,352,359.


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Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!