Cassiopeia Fund - Class D

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 150
Current Score: 275
Current Rank: 150
All-time Average Rank: 314
All-time Average Score: 252
Max Drawdown: -2.17
Annualized Standard Deviation: 4.47
Year to Date Return: 4.62
5-Star Rating: 4.47

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 150 68 275 14 2.27% Unknown 8.90 26.59 $109,157,164
April / 2016 218 19 261 6 0.83% Unknown 6.81 28.51 $107,558,871
March / 2016 237 -155 255 9 1.03% Unknown 4.96 32.93 $107,227,724
February / 2016 82 40 246 20 0.90% Unknown 2.97 28.59 $105,103,040
January / 2016 122 113 226 -15 -0.47% Unknown 2.65 26.63 $100,976,657
November / 2015 235 52 241 -4 -0.08% Unknown 5.18 34.99 $101,479,587
October / 2015 287 -170 245 -37 -0.91% Unknown 4.97 37.47 $105,095,929
August / 2015 117 149 282 24 3.35% Unknown 5.37 45.93 $100,298,334
July / 2015 266 -23 258 1 0.45% Unknown 0.66 51.78 $100,884,524
June / 2015 243 109 257 12 2.01% Unknown -0.87 56.19 $110,139,693
May / 2015 352 99 245 18 0.30% Unknown -1.48 51.12 $108,351,787
April / 2015 451 -9 227 -1 -0.91% Unknown -1.63 35.93 $109,341,996
March / 2015 442 -71 228 -23 -0.89% Unknown -1.45 31.12 $107,589,988
February / 2015 371 -92 251 -1 0.59% Unknown -2.11 36.15 $114,043,724
January / 2015 279 62 252 -1 0.97% Unknown -3.15 37.04 $125,522,335
December / 2014 341 110 253 11 0.80% Unknown -4.43 41.68 $129,963,607
November / 2014 451 -17 242 3 -0.28% Unknown -5.17 52.28 $144,581,323
October / 2014 434 106 239 -6 -0.87% Unknown -4.55 52.98 $151,168,901
September / 2014 540 -19 245 3 -0.19% Unknown -4.79 54.59 $155,353,302
August / 2014 521 -118 242 -4 -1.27% Unknown -4.58 64.42 $167,478,065
July / 2014 403 -37 246 -30 -1.08% Unknown -4.76 64.82 $168,010,762
June / 2014 366 -26 276 11 1.38% Unknown -1.18 57.62 $193,346,249
May / 2014 340 -57 265 -30 0.15% Unknown -2.57 60.25 $195,637,794
November / 2013 283 0 295 New 0.37% Unknown -0.25 72.10 $264,033,952


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund February 2016


Cassiopeia Fund - Class D's best month was August 2015, ranked #117 with a HedgeScore of 282 earning a 3.35% positive return of $3,359,994.

Cassiopeia Fund - Class D's worst month was August 2014 , ranked #521 with a HedgeScore of 242 taking a -1.27% loss of -$2,126,971.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!