CITIC GOKU Donglue Quantification

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1568
Current Score: 69
Current Rank: 1568
All-time Average Rank: 1573
All-time Average Score: 137
Max Drawdown: -15.77
Annualized Standard Deviation: 11.23
Year to Date Return: -8.09
5-Star Rating: 11.23

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1568 223 69 -21 -1.18% Unknown -15.71
April / 2016 1791 -973 90 -56 0.61% Unknown -10.28
November / 2015 818 376 146 0 0.44% Unknown 35.19
June / 2015 1194 -471 146 -49 -3.35% Unknown 72.84
March / 2015 723 206 195 14 8.49% Unknown 58.29
February / 2015 929 335 181 42 8.03% Unknown 38.44
January / 2015 1264 -382 139 -45 -0.44% Unknown 29.92
December / 2014 882 27 184 -6 9.60% Unknown 36.62
November / 2014 909 629 190 64 14.90% Unknown 25.93
October / 2014 1538 1066 126 -20 -0.57% Unknown 11.79
September / 2014 2604 -911 146 21 1.95% Unknown 12.11
August / 2014 1693 -101 125 -6 0.59% Unknown
July / 2014 1592 1129 131 -1 1.75% Unknown
June / 2014 2721 -1072 132 -1 2.05% Unknown
May / 2014 1649 134 133 22 2.41% Unknown
April / 2014 1783 489 111 17 -0.65% Unknown
March / 2014 2272 -458 94 -35 -5.12% Unknown
February / 2014 1814 -270 129 -12 1.39% Unknown
January / 2014 1544 413 141 14 4.69% Unknown
December / 2013 1957 -165 127 -5 1.02% Unknown
November / 2013 1792 0 132 New 2.01% Unknown


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CITIC GOKU Donglue Quantification's best month was November 2014, ranked #909 with a HedgeScore of 190 earning a 14.90% positive return.

CITIC GOKU Donglue Quantification's worst month was March 2014 , ranked #2272 with a HedgeScore of 94 taking a -5.12% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!