Edelweiss Volatility Fund Ltd Class E

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 827
Current Score: 152
Current Rank: 827
All-time Average Rank: 1571
All-time Average Score: 104
Max Drawdown: -19.72
Annualized Standard Deviation: 24.50
Year to Date Return: 9.35
5-Star Rating: 24.50

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 827 711 152 37 7.28% Unknown 4.87
May / 2016 1538 -692 115 -27 0.86% Unknown 1.98
March / 2016 846 -294 142 14 7.18% Unknown 5.42
March / 2016 552 295 128 54 4.43% Unknown 1.56
January / 2016 847 168 74 -48 -9.70% Unknown 3.88
December / 2015 1015 169 122 -6 1.61% Unknown 1.65
October / 2015 1184 455 128 104 2.23% Unknown 3.82
August / 2015 1639 -366 24 -111 -16.23% Unknown -14.89
July / 2015 1273 237 135 39 7.89% Unknown 1.61
May / 2015 1510 70 96 -1 4.32% Unknown -9.32
May / 2015 1580 70 97 6 4.26% Unknown -8.69
March / 2015 1650 56 91 -8 3.26% Unknown -11.05
March / 2015 1706 56 99 48 6.82% Unknown -14.22
January / 2015 1762 131 51 18 -2.06% Unknown -20.74
December / 2014 1893 -69 33 -65 -9.17% Unknown -19.78
December / 2014 1824 153 98 62 3.79% Unknown -12.40
October / 2014 1977 1681 36 -39 -11.41% Unknown -14.93
October / 2014 3658 -1902 75 -46 -4.02% Unknown -4.92
August / 2014 1756 -84 121 -4 0.01% Unknown 1.58
July / 2014 1672 601 125 -24 -0.05% Unknown 4.76
July / 2014 2273 -926 149 -9 1.55% Unknown 14.89
May / 2014 1347 448 158 26 5.04% Unknown 11.60
December / 2013 1795 0 132 New 1.94% Unknown


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Edelweiss Volatility Fund Ltd Class E's best month was July 2015, ranked #1273 with a HedgeScore of 135 earning a 7.89% positive return.

Edelweiss Volatility Fund Ltd Class E's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1639 with a HedgeScore of 24 taking a -16.23% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!