Edelweiss Volatility Fund Ltd Class L

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 942
Current Score: 140
Current Rank: 942
All-time Average Rank: 1593
All-time Average Score: 101
Max Drawdown: -21.22
Annualized Standard Deviation: 24.97
Year to Date Return: 8.64
5-Star Rating: 24.97

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 942 777 140 42 7.30% Unknown 0.31
April / 2016 1719 -797 98 -32 1.13% Unknown -2.36
March / 2016 922 -230 130 21 6.85% Unknown 0.63
February / 2016 692 214 109 52 4.24% Unknown -2.68
January / 2016 906 195 57 -48 -10.11% Unknown -0.27
November / 2015 1101 171 105 -12 1.71% Unknown -2.13
October / 2015 1272 374 117 95 2.17% Unknown 0.02
August / 2015 1646 -384 22 -114 -16.80% Unknown -16.58
July / 2015 1262 228 136 35 7.50% Unknown 1.81
May / 2015 1490 72 101 0 4.46% Unknown -6.67
April / 2015 1562 69 101 5 4.22% Unknown -6.21
March / 2015 1631 50 96 -7 3.33% Unknown -8.46
February / 2015 1681 67 103 48 6.82% Unknown -11.21
January / 2015 1748 127 55 18 -2.10% Unknown -17.99
December / 2014 1875 -79 37 -66 -9.28% Unknown -16.93
November / 2014 1796 168 103 61 3.95% Unknown -9.54
October / 2014 1964 1658 42 -43 -10.97% Unknown -11.23
September / 2014 3622 -2088 85 -54 -3.65% Unknown -1.17
August / 2014 1534 400 139 44 1.55% Unknown 5.37
July / 2014 1934 288 95 -56 -4.96% Unknown 0.95
June / 2014 2222 -899 151 -9 1.61% Unknown 16.68
May / 2014 1323 470 160 28 4.97% Unknown 12.93
November / 2013 1793 0 132 New 2.01% Unknown


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Edelweiss Volatility Fund Ltd Class L's best month was July 2015, ranked #1262 with a HedgeScore of 136 earning a 7.50% positive return.

Edelweiss Volatility Fund Ltd Class L's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1646 with a HedgeScore of 22 taking a -16.80% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!