Eden Alpha, Limited Partnership

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 315
Current Score: 232
Current Rank: 315
All-time Average Rank: 945
All-time Average Score: 178
Max Drawdown: -11.38
Annualized Standard Deviation: 19.36
Year to Date Return: -0.72
5-Star Rating: 19.36

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 315 251 232 26 3.09% Unknown 4.61 $20,000,000
April / 2016 566 -304 206 -43 -1.52% Unknown 5.12 $20,000,000
March / 2016 262 -67 249 52 6.58% Unknown 9.74 $15,000,000
February / 2016 195 276 197 56 0.41% Unknown 2.39 $3,844,084
January / 2016 471 -95 141 -63 -8.94% Unknown 17.47 $3,792,044
November / 2015 376 81 204 -8 4.94% Unknown 23.75 $3,876,670
October / 2015 457 965 212 114 9.81% Unknown 16.67 $3,883,646
August / 2015 1422 -810 98 -104 -8.64% Unknown 13.88
July / 2015 612 220 202 29 2.42% Unknown 28.69 $3,187,801
June / 2015 832 -109 173 -20 -0.35% Unknown 17.44 $3,180,999
May / 2015 723 66 193 8 3.59% Unknown 15.31 $2,842,781
April / 2015 789 348 185 30 2.87% Unknown 10.38 $2,588,126
March / 2015 1137 -498 155 -59 -0.56% Unknown 6.01 $2,514,648
February / 2015 639 857 214 93 15.54% Unknown 8.64 $2,507,774
January / 2015 1496 -509 121 -52 -5.61% Unknown 0.11 $2,037,723
December / 2014 987 352 173 22 2.54% Unknown 3.56 $2,055,789
November / 2014 1339 562 151 -17 -0.23% Unknown 3.82 $1,795,977
September / 2014 1901 -851 168 -15 0.49% Unknown 9.28 $1,628,443
August / 2014 1050 590 183 56 3.24% Unknown 12.76 $1,681,426
July / 2014 1640 303 127 -34 -6.53% Unknown 4.30 $1,634,035
June / 2014 1943 -697 161 -5 -2.16% Unknown 20.87 $1,604,083
May / 2014 1246 84 166 -6 -0.84% Unknown 19.73 $1,439,678
November / 2013 1330 0 172 New 4.58% Unknown $936,755


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Eden Alpha, Limited Partnership's best month was February 2015, ranked #639 with a HedgeScore of 214 earning a 15.54% positive return of $389,708.

Eden Alpha, Limited Partnership's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #471 with a HedgeScore of 141 taking a -8.94% loss of -$339,009.


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Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!