Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1355
All-time Average Score: 135
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
April / 2016 1926 -791 71 -2 -2.42% Unknown -15.17
March / 2016 1135 -539 73 -48 -4.20% Unknown -12.27
February / 2016 596 3 121 1 2.85% Unknown -6.19
January / 2016 599 314 120 -13 4.35% Unknown -9.69
November / 2015 913 399 133 23 4.59% Unknown -1.49
October / 2015 1312 193 110 28 -2.26% Unknown 3.15
August / 2015 1505 -471 82 -77 -7.28% Unknown 5.68
July / 2015 1034 550 159 52 3.88% Unknown 18.02
June / 2015 1584 -243 107 -18 -7.70% Unknown 15.12
May / 2015 1341 -527 125 -58 -6.50% Unknown 26.96
April / 2015 814 -27 183 -6 0.91% Unknown 40.20
March / 2015 787 394 189 32 2.45% Unknown 40.22
February / 2015 1181 -510 157 -41 -0.98% Unknown 33.62
January / 2015 671 409 198 31 7.20% Unknown 36.38
December / 2014 1080 -112 167 -18 2.64% Unknown 20.86
November / 2014 968 442 185 47 9.51% Unknown 18.62
October / 2014 1410 1436 138 1 0.92% Unknown 12.21
September / 2014 2846 -1462 137 -16 2.14% Unknown 15.33
August / 2014 1384 178 153 19 3.55% Unknown 13.53
July / 2014 1562 1149 134 2 1.32% Unknown 3.72
June / 2014 2711 -861 132 22 1.79% Unknown 1.50
May / 2014 1850 111 110 -6 3.25% Unknown -6.21
November / 2013 1961 0 116 New 3.60% Unknown -1.04


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FRM SIGMA FUND LIMITED Class B CHF's best month was November 2014, ranked #968 with a HedgeScore of 185 earning a 9.51% positive return.

FRM SIGMA FUND LIMITED Class B CHF's worst month was June 2015 , ranked #1584 with a HedgeScore of 107 taking a -7.70% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!