Harmony Feeder Fund

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1847
Current Score: 28
Current Rank: 1847
All-time Average Rank: 859
All-time Average Score: 176
Max Drawdown: -52.22
Annualized Standard Deviation: 25.73
Year to Date Return: -20.06
5-Star Rating: 25.73

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1847 260 28 -18 -2.34% Unknown -51.78 -33.35 $20,243,186
April / 2016 2107 -1003 46 -39 -0.07% Unknown -46.70 -34.06 $20,243,186
March / 2016 1104 -35 85 106 3.41% Unknown -23.84 -24.29 $20,243,186
February / 2016 1069 -47 -21 31 -3.29% Unknown -33.82 -23.67
January / 2016 1022 -143 -52 -189 -18.09% Unknown -37.53 -20.53
November / 2015 879 207 137 -3 -1.14% Unknown -34.94 10.10 $21,368,774
October / 2015 1086 373 140 48 -0.64% Unknown -42.79 16.64 $21,611,427
August / 2015 1459 -227 92 -47 -19.11% Unknown -49.60 36.99 $21,937,926
July / 2015 1232 -854 139 -91 -11.24% Unknown -28.66 70.42 $26,998,311
June / 2015 378 169 230 16 10.43% Unknown -2.84 $31,903,840
May / 2015 547 -338 214 -60 7.94% Unknown -8.89 $35,560,001
April / 2015 209 1468 274 193 52.82% Unknown -24.76 $33,555,024
March / 2015 1677 38 81 -15 -10.43% Unknown -47.62 $23,089,919
February / 2015 1715 -128 96 -13 -8.72% Unknown -37.42 $20,819,045
January / 2015 1587 -522 109 -58 -10.90% Unknown -32.88 $22,707,722
December / 2014 1065 -254 167 -32 -9.31% Unknown 3.50 $25,386,504
November / 2014 811 -357 199 -37 -13.07% Unknown 30.19 $27,693,202
October / 2014 454 -91 236 -30 -7.88% Unknown 39.16 $31,855,651
September / 2014 363 -233 266 -48 -4.20% Unknown 51.68 $34,346,086
August / 2014 130 259 314 65 7.33% Unknown 58.86 $32,693,872
July / 2014 389 -95 249 -37 -1.95% Unknown 48.88 $30,452,771
June / 2014 294 513 286 82 3.55% Unknown 59.30 $30,922,274
May / 2014 807 -630 204 -87 -10.86% Unknown 31.96 $31,130,929
April / 2014 177 33 291 -7 6.40% Unknown 67.40 $32,002,699
March / 2014 210 264 298 44 7.00% Unknown 77.45 $30,068,440
February / 2014 474 -434 254 -112 -2.10% Unknown 86.74 $28,107,305
January / 2014 40 892 366 161 37.40% Unknown 101.68 $28,020,000
November / 2013 932 0 205 New -7.08% Unknown 56.92 $17,965,008


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund January 2014


Harmony Feeder Fund's best month was April 2015, ranked #209 with a HedgeScore of 274 earning a 52.82% positive return of $17,723,764.

Harmony Feeder Fund's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1459 with a HedgeScore of 92 taking a -19.11% loss of -$4,192,338.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!