Carnegie WorldWide Long/Short

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 282
All-time Average Score: 279
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
July / 2015 123 21 299 19 1.42% Unknown 23.30 71.82 $77,811,507
June / 2015 144 -2 280 -20 -0.56% Unknown 24.45 65.81 $74,387,962
May / 2015 142 77 300 29 1.21% Unknown 25.77 72.46 $73,182,494
April / 2015 219 -104 271 -38 -3.16% Unknown 28.16 73.04 $72,875,699
March / 2015 115 6 309 -5 2.18% Unknown 29.16 80.39 $71,269,235
February / 2015 121 -37 314 -6 3.69% Unknown 25.97 90.18 $75,008,103
January / 2015 84 46 320 16 4.81% Unknown 25.79 90.09 $80,640,514
December / 2014 130 36 304 2 2.55% Unknown 16.48 76.48 $82,923,572
November / 2014 166 -49 302 -4 1.25% Unknown 17.32 83.86 $83,572,105
October / 2014 117 35 306 -1 2.70% Unknown 15.87 82.92 $83,000,585
September / 2014 152 45 307 9 3.19% Unknown 16.11 73.85 $80,716,103
August / 2014 197 -22 298 8 2.08% Unknown 14.26 71.36 $82,359,249
July / 2014 175 173 290 11 2.36% Unknown 8.67 67.25 $82,864,200
June / 2014 348 -57 279 7 0.49% Unknown 3.85 70.52 $99,070,778
May / 2014 291 223 272 42 3.14% Unknown -0.28 70.98 $98,353,042
April / 2014 514 -104 230 -28 -2.40% Unknown -1.75 68.61 $97,120,977
March / 2014 410 -138 258 -34 -0.34% Unknown 0.90 80.08 $99,737,797
February / 2014 272 139 292 44 3.54% Unknown 3.91 85.30 $104,841,841
January / 2014 411 35 248 -17 -2.95% Unknown 2.68 70.13 $102,658,817
November / 2013 446 -196 265 -27 0.00% Unknown 1.90 70.82 $115,618,909
October / 2013 250 162 292 22 2.92% Unknown 5.90 62.67 $127,426,442
September / 2013 412 117 270 45 1.55% Unknown 0.44 44.04 $124,249,958
August / 2013 529 -37 225 -22 -2.91% Unknown -1.10 25.47 $119,418,582
July / 2013 492 -142 247 -8 -2.18% Unknown 0.98 32.17 $123,901,094
June / 2013 350 -143 255 -42 -3.51% Unknown 7.57 33.82 $124,337,185
May / 2013 207 723 297 103 1.62% Unknown 13.07 31.36 $128,800,669
March / 2013 930 -776 194 -104 2.64% Unknown 11.13 33.18
February / 2013 154 0 298 New 2.32% Unknown 9.44 25.19 $128,363,541


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund January 2015


Carnegie WorldWide Long/Short's best month was January 2015, ranked #84 with a HedgeScore of 320 earning a 4.81% positive return of $3,878,809.

Carnegie WorldWide Long/Short's worst month was June 2013 , ranked #350 with a HedgeScore of 255 taking a -3.51% loss of -$4,364,235.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!