Legg Mason WA Senior Loans LM Inc (M) $

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 556
All-time Average Score: 221
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 496 66 199 22 -0.97% Unknown -1.19 $103,034,039
November / 2015 562 -27 177 -24 -1.48% Unknown -3.56 $58,469,386
October / 2015 535 -39 201 2 -0.32% Unknown -1.86 $101,604,680
September / 2015 496 -24 199 -1 -0.97% Unknown -1.19 $103,034,039
August / 2015 472 9 200 -20 -1.17% Unknown -0.98 $107,474,519
July / 2015 481 -23 220 2 -0.28% Unknown 0.48 $120,534,521
June / 2015 458 -39 218 -13 -0.64% Unknown 0.72 $123,118,893
May / 2015 419 -43 231 -9 0.04% Unknown 1.96 $124,595,127
April / 2015 376 7 240 4 0.90% Unknown 2.16 $128,016,411
March / 2015 383 31 236 -7 0.29% Unknown 1.32 $139,997,238
February / 2015 414 42 243 19 1.42% Unknown 1.27 $140,791,505
January / 2015 456 111 224 6 -0.01% Unknown 0.02 $139,006,777
December / 2014 567 -101 218 -22 -1.36% Unknown 0.68 $139,699,325
November / 2014 466 -53 240 -1 0.26% Unknown 2.53 $142,913,050
October / 2014 413 428 241 23 0.37% Unknown 2.47 $144,886,495
September / 2014 841 -253 218 -14 -0.77% Unknown $140,239,205
August / 2014 588 -25 232 7 0.29% Unknown $145,196,566
July / 2014 563 155 225 -9 -0.04% Unknown $142,100,427
June / 2014 718 -89 234 11 0.58% Unknown $142,474,872
May / 2014 629 -48 223 2 0.24% Unknown $105,281,121
April / 2014 581 112 221 -2 0.08% Unknown $105,094,765
March / 2014 693 7 223 1 0.24% Unknown $105,295,759
February / 2014 700 -121 222 0 0.16% Unknown $104,227,678
January / 2014 579 218 222 2 0.22% Unknown $102,305,478
December / 2013 797 -35 220 -1 0.06% Unknown $101,902,569
November / 2013 762 0 221 New 0.16% Unknown $101,679,591


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Legg Mason WA Senior Loans LM Inc (M) $'s best month was February 2015, ranked #414 with a HedgeScore of 243 earning a 1.42% positive return of $1,999,239.

Legg Mason WA Senior Loans LM Inc (M) $'s worst month was November 2015 , ranked #562 with a HedgeScore of 177 taking a -1.48% loss of -$865,347.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!