Lycos Value Class O Fund

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 619
All-time Average Score: 216
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 1283 -223 13 -131 -8.56% Unknown -46.10 60.44
October / 2015 1060 521 144 86 4.38% Unknown -32.01 73.10 $2,467,871
August / 2015 1581 -1112 58 -164 -14.81% Unknown -19.10 94.97
July / 2015 469 913 222 96 10.29% Unknown -1.00 118.98 $3,035,631
July / 2015 1382 -976 126 -107 -10.22% Unknown -8.80 108.19 $2,518,324
May / 2015 406 317 233 39 2.34% Unknown 10.50 133.18 $2,612,099
May / 2015 723 -366 194 -49 -4.53% Unknown 9.84 126.69 $2,617,204
March / 2015 357 -25 243 -17 2.30% Unknown 19.20 142.93 $2,289,950
March / 2015 332 702 260 99 8.24% Unknown 14.99 151.61 $2,558,172
January / 2015 1034 -604 161 -77 -19.14% Unknown 11.91 129.74 $2,261,196
December / 2014 430 -347 238 -94 -8.05% Unknown 36.81 176.48 $2,209,569
December / 2014 83 60 332 33 15.40% Unknown 37.97 199.88 $3,291,166
October / 2014 143 458 299 59 9.27% Unknown 19.03 154.77 $2,863,027
October / 2014 601 -371 240 -51 -5.60% Unknown 23.53 131.45 $2,395,503
August / 2014 230 8 291 15 4.43% Unknown 28.36 149.26 $2,515,952
July / 2014 238 9 276 -19 1.60% Unknown 26.93 141.92 $2,370,205
July / 2014 247 110 295 33 8.78% Unknown 30.40 145.40 $2,332,037
May / 2014 357 455 262 45 1.73% Unknown 17.11 131.58 $2,105,015
December / 2013 812 0 217 New -0.44% Unknown 28.67 $2,010,391


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund December 2014


Lycos Value Class O Fund's best month was December 2014, ranked #83 with a HedgeScore of 332 earning a 15.40% positive return of $506,840.

Lycos Value Class O Fund's worst month was January 2015 , ranked #1034 with a HedgeScore of 161 taking a -19.14% loss of -$432,793.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!