M. De Groote Total Market

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 558
Current Score: 186
Current Rank: 558
All-time Average Rank: 378
All-time Average Score: 238
Max Drawdown: -23.68
Annualized Standard Deviation: 27.89
Year to Date Return: 9.13
5-Star Rating: 27.89

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 558 203 186 5 2.41% Unknown -7.04 120.23 $1,018,748
April / 2016 761 -318 181 -34 1.84% Unknown -8.50 115.00 $994,120
March / 2016 443 -122 215 48 14.05% Unknown -8.36 117.41 $1,025,057
February / 2016 321 296 167 50 2.40% Unknown -20.35 95.14 $898,801
January / 2016 617 -35 117 -57 -10.40% Unknown -15.81 96.88 $877,675
November / 2015 582 -258 174 -65 -1.07% Unknown -7.19 142.24 $1,009,777
October / 2015 324 532 239 82 13.82% Unknown -4.20 148.36 $1,020,610
August / 2015 856 -496 157 -82 -10.27% Unknown -8.84 161.80 $975,692
July / 2015 360 27 239 11 -1.00% Unknown 6.59 183.90 $1,087,144
June / 2015 387 -154 228 -46 -4.49% Unknown 5.46 205.90 $1,098,660
May / 2015 233 -20 274 1 0.79% Unknown 13.66 213.36 $1,150,043
April / 2015 213 118 273 26 2.00% Unknown 17.07 187.59 $1,140,948
March / 2015 331 -147 247 -47 -0.88% Unknown 15.41 184.99 $1,118,570
February / 2015 184 198 294 58 8.24% Unknown 18.65 206.38 $1,128,427
January / 2015 382 -164 236 -50 -3.80% Unknown 17.31 193.68 $1,040,348
November / 2014 218 -48 286 -4 2.04% Unknown 25.66 218.25 $1,135,025
October / 2014 170 271 290 34 3.07% Unknown 26.87 230.29 $1,112,430
September / 2014 441 -259 256 -48 -3.16% Unknown 26.29 210.14 $1,079,260
August / 2014 182 163 304 46 4.65% Unknown 35.19 245.88 $1,114,532
July / 2014 345 -161 258 -41 -2.05% Unknown 27.14 248.39 $1,112,686
May / 2014 184 49 299 -7 3.80% Unknown 34.73 292.46 $1,151,834
November / 2013 233 0 306 New 3.02% Unknown 53.60 304.14 $1,124,439


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


M. De Groote Total Market's best month was March 2016, ranked #443 with a HedgeScore of 215 earning a 14.05% positive return of $144,021.

M. De Groote Total Market's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #617 with a HedgeScore of 117 taking a -10.40% loss of -$91,278.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!