O.E.I. MAC (US$)

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 882
Current Score: 145
Current Rank: 882
All-time Average Rank: 941
All-time Average Score: 175
Max Drawdown: -42.92
Annualized Standard Deviation: 36.61
Year to Date Return: -31.58
5-Star Rating: 36.61

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 882 888 145 53 2.66% Unknown -31.43 -29.34 $288,827,257
April / 2016 1770 -621 92 32 -8.91% Unknown -30.53 -34.20 $288,487,803
March / 2016 1149 -746 60 -91 -24.37% Unknown -44.95 -23.23 $325,604,815
February / 2016 403 -334 151 -111 -10.64% Unknown -23.45 -0.29 $432,775,181
January / 2016 69 223 262 39 8.25% Unknown -19.32 13.63 $484,865,542
November / 2015 292 1193 223 176 -0.93% Unknown -13.18 16.07 $444,953,320
October / 2015 1485 -1446 47 -285 -16.99% Unknown -5.91 12.74
August / 2015 39 91 332 37 6.80% Unknown 8.72 41.75 $560,575,716
July / 2015 130 1488 295 194 2.11% Unknown 0.39 22.22 $525,249,353
June / 2015 1618 -370 101 -35 -1.71% Unknown -2.95 27.49
May / 2015 1248 431 136 112 4.01% Unknown -2.82 27.47
April / 2015 1679 -1062 24 -182 -27.82% Unknown -6.97 5.39
March / 2015 617 835 206 75 5.16% Unknown 19.35 41.79
February / 2015 1452 -809 131 -70 -5.81% Unknown 3.60 36.37
January / 2015 643 -35 201 -13 5.66% Unknown 12.46 47.73
December / 2014 608 667 214 57 14.83% Unknown 5.56 36.57
November / 2014 1275 603 157 75 7.37% Unknown -5.33 18.68
October / 2014 1878 -152 82 -93 -7.57% Unknown -8.70 8.85
September / 2014 1726 207 175 93 13.26% Unknown -0.56 4.84
August / 2014 1933 -1447 82 -152 -1.38% Unknown -13.48 -2.13
July / 2014 486 200 234 -3 -1.29% Unknown -13.39 7.71 $477,683,125
June / 2014 686 -222 237 -7 -1.56% Unknown -10.47 14.65 $494,835,383
May / 2014 464 -411 244 -128 -0.44% Unknown -12.51 11.65 $499,709,103
November / 2013 53 0 372 New 3.55% Unknown 27.04 84.39 $554,213,996


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund November 2013


Top 100 Hedge Fund August 2015


Top 100 Hedge Fund January 2016


O.E.I. MAC (US$)'s best month was December 2014, ranked #608 with a HedgeScore of 214 earning a 14.83% positive return.

O.E.I. MAC (US$)'s worst month was April 2015 , ranked #1679 with a HedgeScore of 24 taking a -27.82% loss.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!