Perlman Family Office

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 826
Current Score: 152
Current Rank: 826
All-time Average Rank: 1140
All-time Average Score: 160
Max Drawdown: -4.66
Annualized Standard Deviation: 11.64
Year to Date Return: 8.19
5-Star Rating: 11.64

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 826 -130 152 -38 -1.45% Unknown 10.59
April / 2016 696 -108 190 3 4.41% Unknown 14.00
March / 2016 588 -252 187 22 4.36% Unknown 10.62
February / 2016 336 28 165 5 0.74% Unknown 4.14
January / 2016 364 1055 160 59 0.01% Unknown 5.48
December / 2015 1419 -761 101 -64 -4.66% Unknown 3.11
November / 2015 658 277 165 7 0.41% Unknown 3.67
October / 2015 935 484 158 57 7.41% Unknown 6.40
September / 2015 1419 -311 101 -33 -4.66% Unknown 3.11
August / 2015 1108 -20 134 -19 0.08% Unknown 7.82
July / 2015 1088 381 153 35 3.02% Unknown 12.34
June / 2015 1469 -304 118 -31 -2.09% Unknown 8.29
May / 2015 1165 21 149 0 1.59% Unknown 13.75
April / 2015 1186 41 149 -4 1.31% Unknown 16.12
February / 2015 1227 233 153 29 2.04% Unknown 16.95
January / 2015 1460 -83 124 -10 -2.29% Unknown 17.22
December / 2014 1377 -178 134 -30 -0.94% Unknown 19.62
November / 2014 1199 -95 164 -3 3.06% Unknown 23.93
October / 2014 1104 1600 167 25 4.09% Unknown 23.89
September / 2014 2704 -1504 142 -29 -0.31% Unknown 25.19
August / 2014 1200 336 171 35 4.28% Unknown 30.24
July / 2014 1536 332 136 -29 -0.70% Unknown 21.99
June / 2014 1868 -602 165 1 2.85% Unknown 29.51
May / 2014 1266 65 164 14 3.71% Unknown 23.97
April / 2014 1331 395 150 9 0.49% Unknown 22.29
March / 2014 1726 -1228 141 -110 -0.24% Unknown 24.77
February / 2014 498 1025 251 109 2.27% Unknown 29.81 $61,000,000
January / 2014 1523 -1067 142 -122 -0.29% Unknown 28.16
December / 2013 456 -3 264 0 2.63% Unknown 34.34 $89,000,000
November / 2013 453 0 264 New 3.03% Unknown 32.29 $87,000,000


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Perlman Family Office's best month was October 2015, ranked #935 with a HedgeScore of 158 earning a 7.41% positive return.

Perlman Family Office's worst month was September 2015 , ranked #1419 with a HedgeScore of 101 taking a -4.66% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!