Sprott Enhanced Long-Short Eq LP Class F

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 774
Current Score: 157
Current Rank: 774
All-time Average Rank: 602
All-time Average Score: 206
Max Drawdown: -15.36
Annualized Standard Deviation: 5.88
Year to Date Return: -9.33
5-Star Rating: 5.88

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 774 553 157 28 1.36% Unknown -13.62 -1.93 $11,988,862
April / 2016 1327 -479 129 -12 -2.11% Unknown -11.91 -4.93 $11,930,749
March / 2016 848 -316 141 11 -1.00% Unknown -12.52 -1.82 $12,454,662
February / 2016 532 -135 130 -24 -3.84% Unknown -11.01 -1.08 $9,260,966
January / 2016 397 -64 154 -61 -4.01% Unknown -5.22 7.28 $9,269,922
November / 2015 333 107 215 1 -0.09% Unknown 4.76 15.24 $10,350,140
October / 2015 440 -18 214 8 -0.95% Unknown 8.19 16.75 $10,509,556
August / 2015 422 -63 206 -33 -2.25% Unknown 5.08 21.21 $10,368,467
July / 2015 359 59 239 16 0.85% Unknown 9.02 29.65 $10,942,356
June / 2015 418 -89 223 -26 -0.17% Unknown 7.05 25.58 $11,308,255
May / 2015 329 298 249 44 3.37% Unknown 8.88 31.36 $11,164,530
April / 2015 627 -233 205 -30 -2.79% Unknown 6.09 24.35 $11,146,855
March / 2015 394 53 235 -3 0.72% Unknown 9.69 26.81 $10,940,039
February / 2015 447 -68 238 1 2.41% Unknown 9.38 23.07 $11,039,970
January / 2015 379 160 237 16 3.09% Unknown 9.99 19.00 $10,598,841
December / 2014 539 27 221 -5 0.85% Unknown 4.80 16.99 $11,474,464
November / 2014 566 317 226 40 3.18% Unknown 4.64 17.54 $11,086,377
October / 2014 883 173 186 -20 -2.76% Unknown 3.24 14.91 $11,099,436
September / 2014 1056 -432 206 -22 -1.24% Unknown 8.34 20.21 $11,542,678
August / 2014 624 136 228 23 1.41% Unknown 10.75 23.17 $11,958,996
July / 2014 760 -60 205 -31 -0.97% Unknown 9.13 22.96 $11,693,360
June / 2014 700 -91 236 10 1.54% Unknown 12.65 22.74 $12,069,619
May / 2014 609 68 226 -5 0.71% Unknown 12.70 20.38 $11,831,729
November / 2013 677 0 231 New 1.80% Unknown 17.41 19.30 $7,635,822


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Sprott Enhanced Long-Short Eq LP Class F's best month was May 2015, ranked #329 with a HedgeScore of 249 earning a 3.37% positive return of $376,245.

Sprott Enhanced Long-Short Eq LP Class F's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #397 with a HedgeScore of 154 taking a -4.01% loss of -$371,724.


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Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!