Sprott Enhanced Long-Short Eq RSP ClassA

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 884
Current Score: 145
Current Rank: 884
All-time Average Rank: 633
All-time Average Score: 202
Max Drawdown: -16.81
Annualized Standard Deviation: 5.91
Year to Date Return: -9.93
5-Star Rating: 5.91

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 884 588 145 26 1.22% Unknown -15.45 -6.88 $10,393,174
May / 2016 1472 -547 119 -10 -2.23% Unknown -13.50 -9.69 $10,345,697
March / 2016 925 -323 129 9 -1.14% Unknown -14.71 -6.71 $10,896,344
March / 2016 602 -148 120 -24 -3.97% Unknown -13.06 -5.96 $8,399,336
January / 2016 454 -97 144 -65 -4.12% Unknown -6.85 2.07 $8,450,022
December / 2015 357 114 209 -1 -0.22% Unknown 4.43 10.27 $9,769,808
October / 2015 471 -11 210 9 -1.12% Unknown 8.64 11.72 $9,989,828
August / 2015 460 -67 201 -32 -2.39% Unknown 4.51 16.24 $9,998,882
July / 2015 393 24 233 10 0.42% Unknown 8.83 24.66 $11,272,225
July / 2015 417 -74 223 -24 -0.01% Unknown 6.95 21.13 $11,697,262
May / 2015 343 335 247 48 3.56% Unknown 8.87 26.37 $11,870,711
May / 2015 678 -285 199 -36 -3.61% Unknown 6.03 19.30 $12,065,910
March / 2015 393 49 235 -4 0.78% Unknown 10.56 22.55 $12,240,262
March / 2015 442 -64 239 2 2.88% Unknown 10.15 18.71 $12,678,504
January / 2015 378 194 237 19 3.76% Unknown 10.41 14.18 $12,425,446
December / 2014 572 -7 218 -8 0.88% Unknown 4.41 11.43 $13,682,476
December / 2014 565 390 226 48 3.80% Unknown 4.24 11.81 $14,343,504
October / 2014 955 142 178 -26 -3.53% Unknown 2.57 8.58 $14,275,756
October / 2014 1097 -475 204 -24 -1.70% Unknown 9.31 14.42 $15,105,187
August / 2014 622 173 228 27 1.65% Unknown 11.19 17.74 $15,982,859
July / 2014 795 -113 201 -37 -1.32% Unknown 9.18 16.88 $15,721,060
July / 2014 682 -64 238 13 1.77% Unknown 12.97 17.21 $16,482,849
May / 2014 618 1 225 -12 0.86% Unknown 12.63 14.53 $15,948,291
December / 2013 619 0 237 New 2.14% Unknown 16.24 12.42 $18,768,646


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Sprott Enhanced Long-Short Eq RSP ClassA's best month was December 2014, ranked #565 with a HedgeScore of 226 earning a 3.80% positive return of $545,053.

Sprott Enhanced Long-Short Eq RSP ClassA's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #454 with a HedgeScore of 144 taking a -4.12% loss of -$348,141.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!