Sprott Hedge Fund LP Class A

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 920
Current Score: 142
Current Rank: 920
All-time Average Rank: 1582
All-time Average Score: 86
Max Drawdown: -19.02
Annualized Standard Deviation: 40.08
Year to Date Return: 48.97
5-Star Rating: 40.08

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 920 -677 142 -114 -6.98% Unknown 27.12 -72.84 $56,684,709
April / 2016 243 718 256 132 28.78% Unknown 42.88 -73.90 $60,940,164
March / 2016 961 -711 124 -58 -2.62% Unknown 7.41 -78.60 $47,414,745
February / 2016 250 409 182 73 18.16% Unknown 3.54 -77.45 $36,017,049
January / 2016 659 589 109 65 8.08% Unknown -19.15 -79.33 $29,372,326
November / 2015 1248 49 44 -68 -8.76% Unknown -11.63 -83.16 $28,044,296
October / 2015 1297 217 112 33 2.08% Unknown -1.27 -79.75 $31,286,612
August / 2015 1514 139 79 63 2.80% Unknown -32.46 -78.02 $30,684,122
July / 2015 1653 109 16 -32 -11.77% Unknown -37.11 -75.86 $30,798,542
June / 2015 1762 -286 48 -57 -4.14% Unknown -28.91 -74.78 $36,606,110
May / 2015 1476 187 105 51 4.55% Unknown -12.67 -72.44 $38,231,051
April / 2015 1663 78 54 9 -3.18% Unknown -24.60 -73.23 $38,180,383
March / 2015 1741 88 45 16 -6.13% Unknown -24.66 -71.28 $37,842,724
February / 2015 1829 -452 29 -102 -7.74% Unknown -31.74 -69.24 $40,969,817
January / 2015 1377 348 131 38 19.01% Unknown -15.51 -66.71 $43,919,505
December / 2014 1725 155 93 15 4.60% Unknown -17.56 -72.97 $41,832,261
November / 2014 1880 110 78 73 1.93% Unknown -24.40 -74.65 $41,687,034
October / 2014 1990 1739 5 -25 -16.82% Unknown -35.06 -72.98 $41,555,216
September / 2014 3729 -1767 30 -33 -16.05% Unknown -25.15 -66.52 $50,567,461
August / 2014 1962 -31 63 -32 -4.27% Unknown -24.28 -57.81 $62,223,317
July / 2014 1931 60 95 -64 -0.28% Unknown -7.97 -57.17 $65,476,342
June / 2014 1991 48 159 117 17.74% Unknown -4.36 -60.44 $67,346,752
May / 2014 2039 85 42 28 -9.71% Unknown -27.68 -67.90 $56,389,057
November / 2013 2124 0 14 New -12.44% Unknown -57.87 -64.93 $116,462,401


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Sprott Hedge Fund LP Class A's best month was April 2016, ranked #243 with a HedgeScore of 256 earning a 28.78% positive return of $17,538,579.

Sprott Hedge Fund LP Class A's worst month was October 2014 , ranked #1990 with a HedgeScore of 5 taking a -16.82% loss of -$6,989,587.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!