Strategos Offshore, Ltd.

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 468
Current Score: 203
Current Rank: 468
All-time Average Rank: 668
All-time Average Score: 207
Max Drawdown: -4.46
Annualized Standard Deviation: 12.07
Year to Date Return: 1.26
5-Star Rating: 12.07

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 468 -47 203 -26 -1.42% Unknown 11.18 14.87 $9,916,786
April / 2016 421 33 229 17 0.91% Unknown 11.09 19.81 $10,060,500
March / 2016 454 -377 212 -36 -0.76% Unknown 11.52 21.67 $9,965,788
February / 2016 77 95 248 48 5.34% Unknown 11.30 24.25 $10,041,824
January / 2016 172 76 200 -37 -2.63% Unknown 9.94 23.64 $9,532,352
November / 2015 248 -3 237 -17 1.92% Unknown 13.20 36.64 $7,949,652
October / 2015 245 250 254 56 7.67% Unknown 14.88 35.17 $7,799,275
August / 2015 495 726 198 58 3.90% Unknown -3.21 28.66 $7,000,000
July / 2015 1221 -558 140 -50 -4.46% Unknown -9.91 27.33 $6,981,872
June / 2015 663 335 190 25 2.39% Unknown -5.28 23.67 $7,552,041
May / 2015 998 -218 165 -21 -1.50% Unknown -2.09 20.81 $7,374,944
April / 2015 780 424 186 38 1.30% Unknown -2.75 16.37 $7,486,951
March / 2015 1204 -214 148 -27 -0.95% Unknown -12.66 14.37 $7,613,751
February / 2015 990 398 175 45 4.05% Unknown -15.13 15.42 $7,686,214
January / 2015 1388 -808 130 -86 -3.69% Unknown -13.40 9.55 $7,000,000
December / 2014 580 57 216 0 2.65% Unknown -10.42 13.05 $71,000,000
November / 2014 637 328 216 39 3.43% Unknown -13.11 16.27 $69,424,160
October / 2014 965 728 177 1 -1.75% Unknown -13.95 17.27 $67,094,682
September / 2014 1693 -1027 176 -46 -7.82% Unknown -10.31 22.31 $88,307,464
August / 2014 666 -278 222 -27 -3.30% Unknown 1.97 33.59 $84,760,655
July / 2014 388 39 249 -19 0.45% Unknown 4.80 44.14 $88,000,000
June / 2014 427 205 268 45 5.84% Unknown 1.99 54.72 $90,192,510
May / 2014 632 -416 223 -87 -2.16% Unknown 1.99 48.43 $85,000,000
November / 2013 216 0 310 New 2.43% Unknown 19.57 83.15 $95,586,222


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund February 2016


Strategos Offshore, Ltd.'s best month was October 2015, ranked #245 with a HedgeScore of 254 earning a 7.67% positive return of $598,204.

Strategos Offshore, Ltd.'s worst month was September 2014 , ranked #1693 with a HedgeScore of 176 taking a -7.82% loss of -$6,905,644.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!