The Collier Fund, Ltd.

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 808
Current Score: 153
Current Rank: 808
All-time Average Rank: 450
All-time Average Score: 232
Max Drawdown: -27.06
Annualized Standard Deviation: 13.86
Year to Date Return: -1.74
5-Star Rating: 13.86

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 808 193 153 -2 -0.69% Unknown -22.34 17.09 $35,075,206
April / 2016 1001 -480 155 -44 -1.64% Unknown -18.64 16.95 $35,075,206
March / 2016 521 189 199 93 6.00% Unknown -16.15 21.49 $35,075,206
February / 2016 710 183 106 46 2.83% Unknown -20.85 16.64
January / 2016 893 160 60 -54 -7.71% Unknown -17.29 19.19
November / 2015 1053 49 114 -24 -1.94% Unknown -9.33 47.29
October / 2015 1102 -814 138 -94 0.01% Unknown -5.14 54.73
August / 2015 288 547 232 55 -5.31% Unknown 3.91 101.08 $37,627,119
July / 2015 835 -670 177 -98 -3.52% Unknown 13.42 96.53
June / 2015 165 -35 275 -29 -0.30% Unknown 14.28 111.00 $41,373,211
May / 2015 130 48 304 21 4.05% Unknown 18.64 94.45 $41,288,907
April / 2015 178 56 283 11 1.36% Unknown 16.45 74.77 $39,556,212
March / 2015 234 -80 272 -30 0.06% Unknown 14.91 80.46 $39,272,914
February / 2015 154 221 302 65 7.46% Unknown 14.01 90.61 $38,922,616
January / 2015 375 -171 237 -46 -4.82% Unknown 8.78 79.21 $36,028,762
December / 2014 204 5 283 -5 1.35% Unknown 11.55 80.52 $38,372,469
November / 2014 209 -53 288 -8 2.59% Unknown 11.49 87.08 $37,659,263
October / 2014 156 340 296 45 4.97% Unknown 12.19 92.22 $36,611,331
September / 2014 496 -285 251 -44 -3.16% Unknown 10.18 77.68 $34,994,146
August / 2014 211 183 295 47 3.36% Unknown 16.64 94.23 $36,012,000
July / 2014 394 -162 248 -50 -2.79% Unknown 9.82 103.34 $35,336,411
June / 2014 232 2 298 14 3.50% Unknown 20.77 133.28 $37,085,861
May / 2014 234 -16 284 -26 2.13% Unknown 13.93 122.28 $35,852,350
November / 2013 218 0 310 New 3.23% Unknown 33.74 145.48 $35,153,943


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


The Collier Fund, Ltd.'s best month was February 2015, ranked #154 with a HedgeScore of 302 earning a 7.46% positive return of $2,903,627.

The Collier Fund, Ltd.'s worst month was January 2016 , ranked #893 with a HedgeScore of 60 taking a -7.71% loss.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!