Tsai Capital Fund LLC

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1340
Current Score: 98
Current Rank: 1340
All-time Average Rank: 892
All-time Average Score: 169
Max Drawdown: -36.37
Annualized Standard Deviation: 24.16
Year to Date Return: -10.99
5-Star Rating: 24.16

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1340 339 98 -2 1.01% Unknown -26.70 -6.69 $16,522,042
April / 2016 1679 -672 100 -16 0.09% Unknown -24.11 $16,356,313
March / 2016 1007 23 116 97 3.41% Unknown -24.73 $16,341,492
February / 2016 1030 -27 19 24 -1.69% Unknown -28.00
January / 2016 1003 -291 -5 -163 -13.41% Unknown -20.02
November / 2015 712 583 158 45 2.96% Unknown -12.54 $18,334,301
October / 2015 1295 -731 113 -90 -1.91% Unknown -16.69 $17,807,430
June / 2015 564 59 203 0 2.86% Unknown -1.58 $22,348,840
May / 2015 623 387 203 38 4.57% Unknown -4.03 $21,827,468
March / 2015 1010 108 165 2 -1.07% Unknown -4.59 $22,241,445
December / 2014 1118 -416 163 -41 -3.25% Unknown -4.38 $22,383,271
October / 2014 702 315 204 -4 -1.58% Unknown 3.31 $26,251,879
September / 2014 1017 -556 208 -43 -2.73% Unknown 6.26 $26,672,830
August / 2014 461 295 251 46 2.76% Unknown 17.32 $27,512,719
July / 2014 756 -106 205 -36 -3.94% Unknown 11.21 $27,377,048
June / 2014 650 -278 241 -18 0.31% Unknown 19.78 $28,500,821
May / 2014 372 417 259 63 5.66% Unknown 14.48 $28,593,320
April / 2014 789 309 196 6 -0.72% Unknown 10.18 $27,061,628
March / 2014 1098 -546 190 -53 -2.02% Unknown 11.19 $26,308,963
February / 2014 552 502 243 66 8.48% Unknown 15.86 $27,115,049
January / 2014 1054 -261 177 -41 -4.65% Unknown 7.93 $25,055,739
November / 2013 793 0 218 New 1.09% Unknown 14.85 $26,011,155


This hedge fund has no awards.


This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Tsai Capital Fund LLC's best month was February 2014, ranked #552 with a HedgeScore of 243 earning a 8.48% positive return of $2,299,356.

Tsai Capital Fund LLC's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #1003 with a HedgeScore of -5 taking a -13.41% loss.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!