UBS (Lux) SIF 1 Gl Eq St Fd II EUR H I-B

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 603
All-time Average Score: 221
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5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 903 -345 151 -47 -3.78% Unknown -12.38 $29,159,851
October / 2015 558 345 198 47 3.77% Unknown -7.90 $27,285,258
September / 2015 903 217 151 19 -3.78% Unknown -12.38 $29,159,851
August / 2015 1120 -834 132 -122 -13.85% Unknown -12.01 $29,775,098
July / 2015 286 310 254 55 3.43% Unknown 8.15 $36,512,149
June / 2015 596 -310 199 -58 -5.44% Unknown 2.58 $36,188,495
April / 2015 286 222 257 39 2.64% Unknown 16.28 $40,968,570
March / 2015 508 -268 218 -61 -1.93% Unknown 12.99 $34,246,626
February / 2015 240 548 279 95 11.48% Unknown 15.48 $39,054,991
January / 2015 788 45 184 -4 -4.54% Unknown 11.29 $36,484,724
December / 2014 833 -380 188 -54 -3.34% Unknown 8.15 $41,958,119
November / 2014 453 205 242 33 4.61% Unknown 15.63 $51,465,470
October / 2014 658 392 209 3 -1.28% Unknown 15.49 $55,323,125
September / 2014 1050 -660 206 -56 -3.36% Unknown 24.37 $54,269,677
August / 2014 390 255 262 46 5.88% Unknown 36.76 $62,076,570
July / 2014 645 -138 216 -42 -1.89% Unknown 24.90 $65,955,252
June / 2014 507 -91 258 6 3.68% Unknown 33.84 $73,695,898
May / 2014 416 149 252 28 4.49% Unknown 20.07 $73,467,122
April / 2014 565 -3 224 -13 -0.26% Unknown 17.36 $78,562,800
March / 2014 562 -166 237 -29 0.23% Unknown 21.32 $80,510,041
February / 2014 396 453 266 70 7.44% Unknown 23.76 $83,242,051
January / 2014 849 -365 196 -64 -7.23% Unknown 14.86 $78,380,037
December / 2013 484 -15 260 -2 3.34% Unknown 30.04 $89,489,722
November / 2013 469 0 262 New 4.48% Unknown 27.73 $89,396,838


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


UBS (Lux) SIF 1 Gl Eq St Fd II EUR H I-B's best month was February 2015, ranked #240 with a HedgeScore of 279 earning a 11.48% positive return of $4,483,513.

UBS (Lux) SIF 1 Gl Eq St Fd II EUR H I-B's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1120 with a HedgeScore of 132 taking a -13.85% loss of -$4,123,851.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!