Access Turkey LLC

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1062
Current Score: 127
Current Rank: 1062
All-time Average Rank: 694
All-time Average Score: 216
Max Drawdown: -17.96
Annualized Standard Deviation: 24.36
Year to Date Return: 3.56
5-Star Rating: 24.36

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1062 -512 127 -81 -9.86% Unknown 0.57 12.88 $28,041,009
April / 2016 550 -200 208 -25 3.84% Unknown 13.12 18.00 $30,449,623
March / 2016 350 105 233 91 13.32% Unknown 11.28 28.82 $29,384,460
February / 2016 455 1029 142 52 0.04% Unknown -9.31 23.40 $26,329,168
December / 2015 1484 -808 90 -72 -3.47% Unknown -20.83 -1.79 $23,816,667
November / 2015 676 230 162 2 6.57% Unknown -14.73 15.70 $26,484,043
October / 2015 906 578 160 70 9.63% Unknown -17.35 2.00 $25,818,822
September / 2015 1484 -26 90 -2 -3.47% Unknown -20.83 -1.79 $23,816,667
August / 2015 1458 -829 92 -110 -8.95% Unknown -24.62 15.43 $24,605,613
May / 2015 629 533 202 50 1.37% Unknown -11.81 42.94 $28,271,117
March / 2015 1162 -440 152 -51 -7.49% Unknown -13.33 28.63 $27,741,755
February / 2015 722 -418 203 -45 -1.39% Unknown -2.86 52.04 $30,671,616
January / 2015 304 483 248 56 1.77% Unknown 1.84 36.93 $31,861,184
December / 2014 787 -250 192 -37 -5.10% Unknown -6.34 42.28 $31,006,114
November / 2014 537 -15 229 3 2.47% Unknown -9.47 59.46 $34,466,000
October / 2014 522 1372 226 58 4.06% Unknown -11.22 54.72 $33,393,739
September / 2014 1894 -1066 168 -38 -8.50% Unknown -13.67 46.48 $31,711,099
August / 2014 828 -178 206 -10 -2.26% Unknown -7.99 75.35 $34,826,072
July / 2014 650 353 216 5 1.34% Unknown -14.07 87.82 $37,054,604
June / 2014 1003 -424 211 -11 0.67% Unknown -16.16 108.26 $36,865,448
April / 2014 579 127 222 0 4.05% Unknown -20.94 169.82 $39,358,062
March / 2014 706 -104 222 -13 1.73% Unknown -21.98 222.25 $38,121,422
February / 2014 602 464 235 59 3.54% Unknown -22.02 261.15 $36,797,550
January / 2014 1066 133 176 -11 -6.41% Unknown -25.00 208.41 $35,835,314
December / 2013 1199 -870 187 -97 -7.29% Unknown -16.69 207.14 $37,954,606
November / 2013 329 -125 284 -20 -0.55% Unknown 15.01 291.56 $41,981,596
October / 2013 204 48 304 3 1.74% Unknown 22.26 259.87 $42,352,377
September / 2013 252 241 301 69 6.83% Unknown 22.42 90.55 $41,043,217
August / 2013 493 -152 232 -41 -7.63% Unknown 19.30 52.68 $38,425,484
July / 2013 341 -108 273 -1 -1.13% Unknown 28.13 64.25 $41,129,447
June / 2013 233 -195 274 -89 -5.03% Unknown 40.31 92.43 $41,603,934
May / 2013 38 -3 363 2 5.23% Unknown 101.60 96.00 $43,803,233
April / 2013 35 14 361 12 7.28% Unknown 89.97 117.85 $44,654,262
March / 2013 49 0 349 New 4.37% Unknown 78.77 126.57 $43,448,973


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund March 2013
Top 100 Hedge Fund April 2013
Top 100 Hedge Fund May 2013


Access Turkey LLC's best month was March 2016, ranked #350 with a HedgeScore of 233 earning a 13.32% positive return of $3,914,010.

Access Turkey LLC's worst month was May 2016 , ranked #1062 with a HedgeScore of 127 taking a -9.86% loss of -$2,764,843.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!