AM Capital

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1956
Current Score: -47
Current Rank: 1956
All-time Average Rank: 1473
All-time Average Score: 93
Max Drawdown: -66.56
Annualized Standard Deviation: 41.53
Year to Date Return: -17.38
5-Star Rating: 41.53

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1956 99 -47 -103 -9.27% Unknown -62.70 -56.74 $2,100,443
April / 2016 2055 -863 56 104 22.94% Unknown -58.88 -53.21 $2,100,443
March / 2016 1192 -121 -48 -17 -8.49% Unknown -64.00 -63.41 $2,100,443
February / 2016 1071 -40 -31 74 2.61% Unknown -59.81 -59.77
January / 2016 1031 679 -105 -39 -21.12% Unknown -53.40 -60.52
December / 2015 1710 -398 -66 -21 -22.94% Unknown -44.12 -18.37
November / 2015 1312 208 -45 14 -3.90% Unknown -49.20 -36.71
October / 2015 1520 190 -59 7 -11.92% Unknown -46.92 -32.77
September / 2015 1710 -41 -66 -64 -22.94% Unknown -44.12 -18.37
August / 2015 1669 -35 -2 -44 -13.76% Unknown -42.85 26.19
July / 2015 1634 118 42 -14 -9.78% Unknown -29.25 25.03
June / 2015 1752 -348 56 -73 -10.08% Unknown -24.23 53.66
April / 2015 1404 216 129 29 7.62% Unknown -13.76 38.20
March / 2015 1620 -334 100 -47 2.16% Unknown -16.75 25.40
February / 2015 1286 484 147 102 18.98% Unknown -13.79 34.05
January / 2015 1770 34 45 -31 -9.02% Unknown -20.42 19.74
December / 2014 1804 -305 76 -61 -6.48% Unknown -18.70 23.85
November / 2014 1499 319 137 41 0.41% Unknown -6.50 48.90
October / 2014 1818 1403 96 -24 -7.28% Unknown -10.38 56.75
September / 2014 3221 -2755 120 -131 -21.19% Unknown 4.69 51.64
August / 2014 466 539 251 71 6.77% Unknown 35.79 110.89
July / 2014 1005 -398 180 -67 -3.38% Unknown 28.59 118.45
June / 2014 607 939 247 106 8.31% Unknown 53.05 158.43
May / 2014 1546 -683 141 -49 -5.49% Unknown 32.05
April / 2014 863 303 190 5 3.89% Unknown 37.36
March / 2014 1166 -35 185 1 5.79% Unknown 29.31
February / 2014 1131 864 184 90 9.83% Unknown 19.14
January / 2014 1995 -646 94 -82 -7.05% Unknown 3.30
December / 2013 1349 523 176 51 7.56% Unknown 16.01
November / 2013 1872 -839 125 -66 -3.76% Unknown 10.62
October / 2013 1033 389 191 23 8.31% Unknown 26.71
September / 2013 1422 -387 168 -5 2.22% Unknown 18.27
August / 2013 1035 -194 173 -30 1.11% Unknown 23.38
July / 2013 841 901 203 92 15.00% Unknown 23.95
June / 2013 1742 -228 111 -32 -6.55% Unknown 5.60
May / 2013 1514 111 143 20 -1.69% Unknown 19.85
April / 2013 1625 97 123 7 -2.20% Unknown 6.66
March / 2013 1722 0 116 New -2.53% Unknown 4.56


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


AM Capital's best month was April 2016, ranked #2055 with a HedgeScore of 56 earning a 22.94% positive return of $481,842.

AM Capital's worst month was September 2015 , ranked #1710 with a HedgeScore of -66 taking a -22.94% loss.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!