Astra Sicav SIF Bond Opportunities A

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
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All-time Average Rank: 798
All-time Average Score: 202
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
July / 2015 802 45 180 8 -0.07% Unknown -2.97 14.51 $9,739,982
June / 2015 847 -52 172 -12 -1.32% Unknown -3.16 14.56 $9,829,680
May / 2015 795 -122 184 -16 -0.25% Unknown -1.40 16.03 $9,962,825
April / 2015 673 162 200 17 0.73% Unknown -0.54 15.93 $10,208,630
March / 2015 835 -169 183 -28 -0.64% Unknown -0.31 15.27 $8,901,122
February / 2015 666 22 211 15 0.97% Unknown 0.68 16.18 $9,513,426
January / 2015 688 114 196 5 -0.17% Unknown 0.53 15.34 $9,563,526
December / 2014 802 -174 191 -27 -1.54% Unknown 0.70 16.01 $10,272,352
November / 2014 628 17 218 7 0.01% Unknown 2.54 17.84 $14,527,821
October / 2014 645 149 211 -11 -0.55% Unknown 2.82 18.14 $14,996,915
September / 2014 794 -101 222 3 0.02% Unknown 3.75 19.00 $15,225,624
August / 2014 693 -56 219 2 -0.16% Unknown 4.37 19.01 $15,872,664
July / 2014 637 89 217 -17 -0.27% Unknown 3.54 19.30 $16,212,900
June / 2014 726 -167 234 2 0.48% Unknown 6.05 20.15 $17,352,337
May / 2014 559 541 232 63 0.62% Unknown 4.81 19.88 $17,380,739
April / 2014 1100 -374 169 -50 0.95% Unknown 4.52 19.31
February / 2014 726 -28 219 11 0.83% Unknown 4.24 $17,035,749
January / 2014 698 204 208 -4 0.00% Unknown 3.66 $16,552,941
December / 2013 902 -47 212 0 0.25% Unknown 3.20 $17,082,303
November / 2013 855 646 212 62 0.29% Unknown 3.28 $17,206,917
October / 2013 1501 -690 150 -66 0.34% Unknown 3.90
September / 2013 811 -204 216 1 0.62% Unknown 4.27 $17,360,971
August / 2013 607 711 215 62 0.47% Unknown 4.47 $16,903,191
July / 2013 1318 -577 153 -62 0.70% Unknown 4.96
May / 2013 741 -93 215 -6 0.34% Unknown 5.62 $16,464,439
April / 2013 648 189 221 18 1.24% Unknown 5.77 $17,079,668
March / 2013 837 0 203 New -0.21% Unknown 4.49 $17,023,296


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Astra Sicav SIF Bond Opportunities A's best month was April 2013, ranked #648 with a HedgeScore of 221 earning a 1.24% positive return of $211,788.

Astra Sicav SIF Bond Opportunities A's worst month was December 2014 , ranked #802 with a HedgeScore of 191 taking a -1.54% loss of -$158,194.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!