Astra Sicav SIF Bond Opportunities A USD

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
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All-time Average Rank: 990
All-time Average Score: 184
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
July / 2015 965 59 165 7 -0.07% Unknown -3.05 14.62 $2,820,727
June / 2015 1024 -87 158 -12 -1.39% Unknown -3.21 16.23 $2,969,401
May / 2015 937 -165 170 -17 -0.32% Unknown -1.40 17.82 $3,012,609
April / 2015 772 169 187 15 0.68% Unknown -0.46 17.77 $3,101,639
March / 2015 941 -187 172 -28 -0.56% Unknown -0.20 17.28 $2,759,886
February / 2015 754 18 200 14 0.95% Unknown 0.64 18.11 $3,675,474
January / 2015 772 146 186 6 -0.17% Unknown 0.54 17.24 $3,718,228
December / 2014 918 -177 180 -25 -1.52% Unknown 0.65 17.22 $3,856,548
November / 2014 741 28 205 8 0.02% Unknown 2.47 18.94 $5,287,843
October / 2014 769 291 197 -9 -0.52% Unknown 2.76 19.23 $5,197,661
September / 2014 1060 -203 206 3 0.00% Unknown 3.68 19.62 $4,557,281
August / 2014 857 -36 203 4 -0.17% Unknown 4.30 19.72 $4,557,838
July / 2014 821 362 199 -1 -0.24% Unknown 3.47 19.96 $4,186,425
June / 2014 1183 -322 200 1 0.46% Unknown 6.02 $3,692,274
May / 2014 861 417 199 43 0.63% Unknown 4.83 $3,646,699
April / 2014 1278 -290 156 -40 0.94% Unknown 4.23
February / 2014 988 -13 196 13 0.85% Unknown 4.04 $2,968,450
January / 2014 975 229 183 -4 -0.06% Unknown 3.45 $2,943,725
December / 2013 1204 -41 187 2 0.27% Unknown 3.17 $2,423,405
November / 2013 1163 337 185 35 0.29% Unknown 3.30 $1,778,610
October / 2013 1500 -370 150 -39 0.37% Unknown 4.08
September / 2013 1130 -290 189 1 0.60% Unknown 4.44 $1,782,310
August / 2013 840 468 188 34 0.50% Unknown 4.69 $1,746,846
July / 2013 1308 -247 154 -31 0.74% Unknown 5.23
May / 2013 1061 -217 185 -13 0.05% Unknown 5.69 $1,821,920
April / 2013 844 221 198 17 1.25% Unknown 6.59 $2,442,345
March / 2013 1065 0 181 New -0.21% Unknown 5.38 $2,442,730


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Astra Sicav SIF Bond Opportunities A USD's best month was April 2013, ranked #844 with a HedgeScore of 198 earning a 1.25% positive return of $30,529.

Astra Sicav SIF Bond Opportunities A USD's worst month was December 2014 , ranked #918 with a HedgeScore of 180 taking a -1.52% loss of -$58,620.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!