Changan Lowrisk Enhanced Bond Trust 1

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 668
Current Score: 171
Current Rank: 668
All-time Average Rank: 1506
All-time Average Score: 145
Max Drawdown: -0.29
Annualized Standard Deviation: 2.17
Year to Date Return: 2.12
5-Star Rating: 2.17

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 668 161 171 -1 0.27% Unknown 8.46
April / 2016 829 565 172 47 0.23% Unknown 10.24
June / 2015 1394 -261 125 -31 -9.44% Unknown 16.39
March / 2015 1133 56 156 0 0.73% Unknown 25.55
February / 2015 1189 -201 156 -10 0.87% Unknown 25.22
January / 2015 988 75 166 -2 3.17% Unknown 25.63
December / 2014 1063 159 168 6 4.23% Unknown 23.51
November / 2014 1222 -13 162 5 3.24% Unknown 19.48
October / 2014 1209 1205 157 5 2.52% Unknown 15.28
September / 2014 2414 -1015 152 0 1.92% Unknown 12.57
August / 2014 1399 40 152 8 2.17% Unknown 11.62
July / 2014 1439 2136 144 73 0.65% Unknown 10.30
June / 2014 3575 -2100 71 -76 -9.49% Unknown -0.18
May / 2014 1475 -105 147 1 1.24% Unknown 10.01
April / 2014 1370 346 146 4 1.05% Unknown 9.78
March / 2014 1716 -90 142 -4 0.47% Unknown 9.01
February / 2014 1626 -174 146 -1 1.20% Unknown 9.22
January / 2014 1452 355 147 4 1.43% Unknown 9.71
December / 2013 1807 19 143 14 0.83% Unknown 8.68
November / 2013 1826 -249 129 -13 -0.40% Unknown 8.76
October / 2013 1577 80 142 -9 0.10% Unknown 13.48
September / 2013 1657 -335 151 1 1.06% Unknown 15.39
August / 2013 1322 0 150 -3 0.96% Unknown 15.19
July / 2013 1322 348 153 25 1.91% Unknown 13.45
May / 2013 1670 -44 128 5 1.03% Unknown
April / 2013 1626 31 123 -2 0.34% Unknown
March / 2013 1657 -124 125 -5 0.66% Unknown
February / 2013 1533 0 130 New 1.65% Unknown


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Changan Lowrisk Enhanced Bond Trust 1's best month was December 2014, ranked #1063 with a HedgeScore of 168 earning a 4.23% positive return.

Changan Lowrisk Enhanced Bond Trust 1's worst month was June 2014 , ranked #3575 with a HedgeScore of 71 taking a -9.49% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!