Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1101
All-time Average Score: 169
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 991 -123 142 -22 -0.53% Unknown -0.42 $2,123,329
October / 2015 868 123 164 22 0.70% Unknown 0.32 $2,138,070
September / 2015 991 -119 142 -13 -0.53% Unknown -0.42 $2,123,329
August / 2015 872 77 155 -11 -0.61% Unknown 0.30 $3,717,460
July / 2015 949 55 166 7 -0.07% Unknown 1.97 $3,740,429
June / 2015 1004 -54 159 -10 -1.13% Unknown 2.28 $3,742,716
May / 2015 950 -11 169 -3 -0.25% Unknown 4.07 $3,785,475
April / 2015 939 -117 172 -12 -0.25% Unknown 4.87 $4,466,744
March / 2015 822 91 184 1 0.46% Unknown 5.51 $4,478,216
February / 2015 913 -176 183 -8 0.41% Unknown 5.24 $4,457,436
January / 2015 737 229 191 16 1.74% Unknown 5.98 $4,439,602
December / 2014 966 121 175 2 -0.02% Unknown 4.73 $4,363,648
November / 2014 1087 -85 173 -1 -0.11% Unknown 4.46 $4,364,550
October / 2014 1002 546 174 -8 -0.05% Unknown 4.56 $4,368,847
September / 2014 1548 -550 182 -7 0.19% Unknown 5.50 $4,760,335
August / 2014 998 37 189 11 1.05% Unknown 5.68 $4,953,872
July / 2014 1035 528 178 -1 0.24% Unknown 4.51 $3,428,185
June / 2014 1563 -383 179 7 0.60% Unknown 4.27 $3,109,876
May / 2014 1180 -26 172 7 0.53% Unknown 1.65 $3,080,973
April / 2014 1154 269 165 1 0.35% Unknown 0.19 $3,114,229
March / 2014 1423 -90 164 -4 0.21% Unknown 0.29 $3,084,961
February / 2014 1333 -30 168 9 1.12% Unknown 0.03 $3,085,003
January / 2014 1303 485 159 15 0.54% Unknown -0.43 $2,978,851
December / 2013 1788 0 144 New -0.27% Unknown -1.57 $3,027,556


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


fLAB Satellite SICAV SIF H-USD's best month was January 2015, ranked #737 with a HedgeScore of 191 earning a 1.74% positive return of $77,249.

fLAB Satellite SICAV SIF H-USD's worst month was June 2015 , ranked #1004 with a HedgeScore of 159 taking a -1.13% loss of -$42,293.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!