Babson Capital Global Loan D USD Inc

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1229
All-time Average Score: 166
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
July / 2015 1047 -216 157 -16 -1.18% Unknown -0.70 $4,588,495
June / 2015 831 -4 173 -8 -0.33% Unknown 0.43 $4,643,071
May / 2015 827 43 181 4 0.22% Unknown 0.27 $4,658,681
April / 2015 870 41 177 2 -0.01% Unknown 0.61 $4,647,977
March / 2015 911 80 175 0 0.39% Unknown -0.25 $4,648,426
February / 2015 991 -54 175 5 1.64% Unknown -1.35 $3,631,344
January / 2015 937 249 170 14 0.16% Unknown -2.55 $6,401,162
December / 2014 1186 -183 156 -25 -1.75% Unknown -2.15 $6,436,747
November / 2014 1003 118 181 16 0.31% Unknown -0.69 $6,251,192
October / 2014 1121 1158 165 10 0.20% Unknown -0.61 $6,232,169
September / 2014 2279 -1149 155 -21 -1.60% Unknown 0.08 $6,219,784
August / 2014 1130 12 176 8 0.30% Unknown 0.52 $6,195,819
July / 2014 1142 661 168 1 -0.05% Unknown 0.32 $6,177,111
June / 2014 1803 -735 167 -14 -0.50% Unknown 1.70 $6,180,673
May / 2014 1068 -24 181 8 0.56% Unknown 1.56 $6,211,202
April / 2014 1044 394 173 10 0.13% Unknown 1.21 $4,681,359
March / 2014 1438 -260 163 -16 -0.72% Unknown 2.07 $4,675,051
February / 2014 1178 -180 179 -2 0.41% Unknown 2.90 $4,708,942
January / 2014 998 433 181 11 0.57% Unknown 3.05 $4,689,677
December / 2013 1431 -208 170 -10 -0.29% Unknown 3.79 $4,663,197
November / 2013 1223 -4 180 7 0.39% Unknown 3.76 $4,676,538
October / 2013 1219 341 173 16 0.90% Unknown 3.97 $1,673,548
September / 2013 1560 -589 157 -21 -1.17% Unknown 4.03 $2,222,149
August / 2013 971 441 178 35 0.11% Unknown 5.15 $3,776,173
July / 2013 1412 206 143 18 1.32% Unknown 6.41
June / 2013 1618 -32 125 -12 -0.64% Unknown 6.00
May / 2013 1586 7 137 4 0.22% Unknown 6.33
March / 2013 1593 0 133 New 0.09% Unknown 5.29


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Babson Capital Global Loan D USD Inc's best month was February 2015, ranked #991 with a HedgeScore of 175 earning a 1.64% positive return of $59,554.

Babson Capital Global Loan D USD Inc's worst month was December 2014 , ranked #1186 with a HedgeScore of 156 taking a -1.75% loss of -$112,643.


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Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!