Blackhorse Emerging Enterprises

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 687
Current Score: 167
Current Rank: 687
All-time Average Rank: 590
All-time Average Score: 220
Max Drawdown: -20.41
Annualized Standard Deviation: 18.25
Year to Date Return: 8.31
5-Star Rating: 18.25

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 687 193 167 2 0.18% Unknown -6.33 9.37 $77,200,000
April / 2016 880 56 165 99 1.38% Unknown -10.39 4.23 $77,200,000
February / 2016 936 539 66 -25 3.57% Unknown -22.28 5.12
December / 2015 1475 -706 91 -61 -7.81% Unknown -30.32 -6.45 $91,700,000
November / 2015 769 706 152 61 2.61% Unknown -19.78 -3.04 $85,100,000
September / 2015 1475 -773 91 -99 -7.81% Unknown -30.32 -6.45 $91,700,000
July / 2015 702 -233 190 -27 -3.29% Unknown -13.38 40.53 $108,000,000
June / 2015 469 133 217 12 -0.46% Unknown -7.55 50.04 $108,000,000
May / 2015 602 -107 205 -16 -4.16% Unknown -7.46 50.99 $112,100,000
April / 2015 495 33 221 6 -1.86% Unknown -3.85 48.24 $111,500,000
March / 2015 528 -341 215 -78 -5.58% Unknown -3.61 55.43 $113,600,000
February / 2015 187 20 293 22 4.17% Unknown 3.02 74.98 $118,900,000
January / 2015 207 91 271 8 -0.51% Unknown 8.50 64.45 $114,700,000
December / 2014 298 -57 263 -18 -1.43% Unknown 4.78 58.42 $113,000,000
November / 2014 241 -58 281 -22 1.47% Unknown 1.04 64.80 $116,700,000
August / 2014 183 164 303 46 5.19% Unknown 7.89 89.71 $122,100,000
July / 2014 347 372 257 23 3.22% Unknown -4.08 76.61 $118,700,000
June / 2014 719 -62 234 14 -0.37% Unknown -5.72 85.90 $116,000,000
May / 2014 657 -62 220 1 -0.42% Unknown -14.30 87.04 $114,100,000
April / 2014 595 -150 219 -33 -1.61% Unknown -11.87 126.96 $114,500,000
March / 2014 445 -139 252 -32 0.91% Unknown -10.61 166.93 $112,920,000
February / 2014 306 422 284 79 9.71% Unknown -6.45 174.39 $111,000,000
January / 2014 728 186 205 -6 -3.92% Unknown -12.43 139.50 $103,000,000
December / 2013 914 -376 211 -39 -4.95% Unknown -4.16 136.44 $116,400,000
November / 2013 538 -224 250 -37 -4.21% Unknown 2.59 149.72 $116,900,000
September / 2013 314 417 287 75 2.45% Unknown 5.67 95.66 $106,500,000
April / 2013 731 -652 212 -117 0.50% Unknown 36.67 41.05
March / 2013 79 0 329 New 5.61% Unknown 39.83 42.38 $79,050,000


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund March 2013


Blackhorse Emerging Enterprises's best month was February 2014, ranked #306 with a HedgeScore of 284 earning a 9.71% positive return of $10,778,100.

Blackhorse Emerging Enterprises's worst month was September 2015 , ranked #1475 with a HedgeScore of 91 taking a -7.81% loss of -$7,161,770.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!