Brompton Energy Opportunities Cl F

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1674
Current Score: 57
Current Rank: 1674
All-time Average Rank: 1404
All-time Average Score: 100
Max Drawdown: -40.23
Annualized Standard Deviation: 28.24
Year to Date Return: 28.85
5-Star Rating: 28.24

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1674 317 57 -8 4.00% Unknown -22.99 -50.27 $1,020,277
April / 2016 1991 -854 65 -6 8.91% Unknown -27.61 -51.19 $981,015
March / 2016 1137 -82 71 69 12.72% Unknown -24.97 -53.95 $900,752
February / 2016 1055 -110 2 -37 -1.94% Unknown -35.61 -59.18 $589,894
January / 2016 945 754 39 73 2.91% Unknown -27.82 -55.61 $579,085
December / 2015 1699 -411 -34 -40 -10.29% Unknown -53.48 -33.73 $662,587
November / 2015 1288 209 6 -27 -3.66% Unknown -35.48 -45.16 $655,714
October / 2015 1497 202 33 67 2.03% Unknown -41.82 -37.50 $692,745
September / 2015 1699 -16 -34 -14 -10.29% Unknown -53.48 -33.73 $662,587
August / 2015 1683 -7 -20 4 -7.88% Unknown -52.54 -25.46 $744,250
July / 2015 1676 118 -24 -44 -14.14% Unknown -44.90 -20.84 $826,276
June / 2015 1794 -194 20 -18 -5.50% Unknown -41.83 -1.86 $1,002,834
May / 2015 1600 29 38 -44 -2.24% Unknown -35.14 1.95 $1,061,387
April / 2015 1629 143 82 66 12.89% Unknown -36.08 -6.45 $1,118,821
March / 2015 1772 -22 16 -71 -3.26% Unknown -35.56 -16.24 $1,611,345
February / 2015 1750 41 87 75 9.92% Unknown -30.68 0.34 $1,689,467
January / 2015 1791 116 12 -9 -5.77% Unknown -32.93 -4.70 $1,513,467
December / 2014 1907 39 21 -27 -11.48% Unknown -25.53 4.41 $1,758,414
November / 2014 1946 -22 48 -21 -13.12% Unknown -11.91 34.70 $2,017,979
October / 2014 1924 -352 69 -112 -18.42% Unknown -1.42 48.78 $2,445,198
September / 2014 1572 -1197 181 -83 -8.48% Unknown 23.22 83.51 $3,023,665
August / 2014 375 698 264 90 6.94% Unknown 41.33 137.24 $3,403,549
July / 2014 1073 -693 174 -101 -9.36% Unknown 31.84 147.69 $3,171,318
June / 2014 380 382 275 66 5.37% Unknown 46.95 189.37 $3,576,032
May / 2014 762 -579 209 -81 -3.66% Unknown 36.10 180.46 $3,329,189
April / 2014 183 582 290 74 13.82% Unknown 38.76 185.39 $3,363,102
February / 2014 765 -15 216 12 6.34% Unknown 12.42 164.27 $1,270,087
January / 2014 750 509 204 22 4.63% Unknown 6.50 155.02 $1,185,747
December / 2013 1259 612 182 57 4.71% Unknown -1.45 155.31 $1,293,450
November / 2013 1871 -641 125 -47 -2.77% Unknown -6.85 76.76 $1,239,668
October / 2013 1230 45 172 -7 1.98% Unknown -6.79 58.83 $1,294,388
September / 2013 1275 215 179 43 4.97% Unknown -4.46 17.81 $1,287,728
August / 2013 1490 -125 136 -12 -0.24% Unknown -3.49 $1,195,374
July / 2013 1365 -32 148 -2 1.03% Unknown -4.18 $1,229,537
June / 2013 1333 351 150 25 -2.41% Unknown 4.23 $1,185,984
May / 2013 1684 95 125 37 -1.77% Unknown -7.23 $1,212,546
April / 2013 1779 -25 88 -23 -6.47% Unknown -15.36 $1,304,663
March / 2013 1754 0 111 New 2.59% Unknown -7.70


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Brompton Energy Opportunities Cl F's best month was April 2014, ranked #183 with a HedgeScore of 290 earning a 13.82% positive return of $464,781.

Brompton Energy Opportunities Cl F's worst month was October 2014 , ranked #1924 with a HedgeScore of 69 taking a -18.42% loss of -$450,405.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!