Clareville Pegasus Fd Ltd A1 EUR

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 674
Current Score: 170
Current Rank: 674
All-time Average Rank: 1200
All-time Average Score: 158
Max Drawdown: -8.57
Annualized Standard Deviation: 8.27
Year to Date Return: 13.59
5-Star Rating: 8.27

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 674 222 170 6 2.66% Unknown 3.86 43.56
April / 2016 896 -256 164 -13 0.93% Unknown 3.14 38.29
March / 2016 640 -257 177 22 4.25% Unknown 2.84 43.58
February / 2016 383 45 155 5 3.01% Unknown -2.18 35.68
January / 2016 428 387 150 -10 2.09% Unknown -3.93 37.31
December / 2015 815 67 160 23 0.61% Unknown -1.63 45.94
November / 2015 882 148 137 -10 -1.58% Unknown -2.05 45.72
October / 2015 1030 -215 147 -13 -0.28% Unknown -1.86 44.68
September / 2015 815 285 160 26 0.61% Unknown -1.63 45.94
August / 2015 1100 -131 134 -31 -2.80% Unknown -2.07 49.73
July / 2015 969 24 165 5 -0.35% Unknown 1.60 54.22
June / 2015 993 41 160 -2 -0.82% Unknown 0.71 55.34
May / 2015 1034 198 162 18 1.95% Unknown -2.73 51.98
April / 2015 1232 340 144 34 0.64% Unknown -6.98 40.51
March / 2015 1572 -75 110 -18 -0.83% Unknown -17.59 40.17
February / 2015 1497 -166 128 -6 1.16% Unknown -18.56 48.59
January / 2015 1331 297 134 27 1.63% Unknown -14.18 44.75
December / 2014 1628 209 107 13 -1.29% Unknown -15.93 38.88
November / 2014 1837 -106 94 -14 -1.39% Unknown -11.53
October / 2014 1731 1494 108 -12 -0.04% Unknown -8.26
September / 2014 3225 -1674 120 -17 0.16% Unknown -3.89
August / 2014 1551 369 137 39 0.84% Unknown 0.24
July / 2014 1920 1241 98 -15 -1.23% Unknown -5.49
June / 2014 3161 -1521 113 -20 -4.21% Unknown 3.78
May / 2014 1640 24 133 11 -2.51% Unknown 9.28
April / 2014 1664 -331 122 -48 -10.84% Unknown 21.17
March / 2014 1333 -587 170 -48 -2.00% Unknown 37.25
February / 2014 746 237 218 35 6.61% Unknown 50.61
January / 2014 983 -89 183 -30 -0.45% Unknown 50.34
December / 2013 894 33 213 7 3.88% Unknown 63.62
November / 2013 927 -126 206 -6 2.26% Unknown 55.08
October / 2013 801 131 212 6 4.73% Unknown 52.84
September / 2013 932 305 206 50 4.46% Unknown 46.02
August / 2013 1237 -558 156 -64 -4.92% Unknown 36.97
July / 2013 679 178 220 32 8.46% Unknown 44.93
June / 2013 857 -37 188 -19 0.87% Unknown 33.85
May / 2013 820 362 207 38 8.10% Unknown 30.68
April / 2013 1182 -215 169 -22 0.99% Unknown 18.96
March / 2013 967 33 191 12 7.54% Unknown 21.61
February / 2013 1000 0 179 New 6.41% Unknown 10.83


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Clareville Pegasus Fd Ltd A1 EUR's best month was July 2013, ranked #679 with a HedgeScore of 220 earning a 8.46% positive return.

Clareville Pegasus Fd Ltd A1 EUR's worst month was April 2014 , ranked #1664 with a HedgeScore of 122 taking a -10.84% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!