Cheyne European Event Driven Fd A Euro

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 316
Current Score: 231
Current Rank: 316
All-time Average Rank: 1311
All-time Average Score: 153
Max Drawdown: -11.07
Annualized Standard Deviation: 10.68
Year to Date Return: -2.61
5-Star Rating: 10.68

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 316 302 231 33 0.41% Unknown -10.71 1.89 $293,253,498
April / 2016 618 -352 198 -49 -3.72% Unknown -13.15 0.44 $293,253,498
March / 2016 266 404 247 136 2.00% Unknown -9.19 5.12 $293,253,498
February / 2016 670 331 111 -12 1.47% Unknown -10.83 4.40
November / 2015 1001 299 123 11 0.00% Unknown -3.72 11.99
October / 2015 1300 129 112 -2 -2.28% Unknown -1.96 11.99
July / 2015 1429 -193 114 -31 0.72% Unknown -4.15
March / 2015 1236 -231 145 -29 0.16% Unknown -0.08 31.83
February / 2015 1005 167 174 26 3.51% Unknown 2.35 40.27
January / 2015 1172 -24 148 -12 -0.01% Unknown 0.75 36.37
December / 2014 1148 140 160 12 0.52% Unknown 2.00 39.21
October / 2014 1288 878 148 -11 -1.07% Unknown 4.74 39.22
September / 2014 2166 -614 159 22 -0.04% Unknown 5.02 42.19
August / 2014 1552 -99 137 -5 -0.58% Unknown 6.55
July / 2014 1453 1046 142 2 -0.22% Unknown 8.78
June / 2014 2499 -901 140 4 -0.61% Unknown 10.01
May / 2014 1598 -148 136 -4 -1.76% Unknown 10.78
April / 2014 1450 -146 140 -33 -1.69% Unknown 13.30
March / 2014 1304 296 173 14 2.60% Unknown 15.33
December / 2013 1600 -336 159 -19 0.51% Unknown 12.01
November / 2013 1264 332 178 38 4.58% Unknown 14.62
October / 2013 1596 -85 140 -21 -0.81% Unknown 9.70
September / 2013 1511 -313 161 2 1.41% Unknown 9.74
August / 2013 1198 121 159 6 1.50% Unknown 8.17
July / 2013 1319 76 153 8 0.92% Unknown 6.09
June / 2013 1395 66 145 -4 0.07% Unknown 4.83
May / 2013 1461 85 149 19 0.48% Unknown 4.54
April / 2013 1546 119 130 6 0.07% Unknown 0.00
March / 2013 1665 0 124 New 0.95% Unknown -2.98


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Cheyne European Event Driven Fd A Euro's best month was November 2013, ranked #1264 with a HedgeScore of 178 earning a 4.58% positive return.

Cheyne European Event Driven Fd A Euro's worst month was April 2016 , ranked #618 with a HedgeScore of 198 taking a -3.72% loss of -$10,909,030.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!