Clareville Pegasus Fd Ltd A1 USD

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 667
Current Score: 171
Current Rank: 667
All-time Average Rank: 1201
All-time Average Score: 158
Max Drawdown: -8.58
Annualized Standard Deviation: 8.38
Year to Date Return: 13.96
5-Star Rating: 8.38

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 667 217 171 6 2.69% Unknown 4.18 43.44
April / 2016 884 -250 165 -13 1.05% Unknown 3.37 38.17
March / 2016 634 -244 178 24 4.38% Unknown 3.02 43.11
February / 2016 390 40 154 4 3.04% Unknown -2.11 34.18
January / 2016 430 396 150 -9 2.11% Unknown -3.89 35.51
December / 2015 826 69 159 23 0.61% Unknown -1.74 45.11
November / 2015 895 136 136 -11 -1.58% Unknown -2.14 44.06
October / 2015 1031 -205 147 -12 -0.23% Unknown -1.96 43.76
September / 2015 826 275 159 25 0.61% Unknown -1.74 45.11
August / 2015 1101 -131 134 -31 -2.83% Unknown -2.22 48.96
July / 2015 970 24 165 5 -0.37% Unknown 1.49 53.21
June / 2015 994 41 160 -2 -0.84% Unknown 0.63 54.21
May / 2015 1035 196 162 18 1.89% Unknown -2.83 51.74
April / 2015 1231 340 144 34 0.71% Unknown -6.96 41.14
March / 2015 1571 -75 110 -18 -0.81% Unknown -17.66 40.81
February / 2015 1496 -166 128 -6 1.16% Unknown -18.66 49.42
January / 2015 1330 284 134 26 1.52% Unknown -14.11 45.45
December / 2014 1614 222 108 14 -1.28% Unknown -15.80 39.78
November / 2014 1836 -113 94 -16 -1.41% Unknown -11.34
October / 2014 1723 1519 110 -9 0.00% Unknown -8.06
September / 2014 3242 -1712 119 -20 0.11% Unknown -3.74
August / 2014 1530 386 139 40 0.86% Unknown 0.56
July / 2014 1916 1231 99 -15 -1.22% Unknown -5.04
June / 2014 3147 -1506 114 -19 -4.24% Unknown 4.27
May / 2014 1641 24 133 11 -2.45% Unknown 9.86
April / 2014 1665 -331 122 -48 -10.87% Unknown 21.47
March / 2014 1334 -597 170 -49 -2.02% Unknown 37.85
February / 2014 737 254 219 37 6.81% Unknown 50.57
January / 2014 991 -96 182 -31 -0.48% Unknown 49.64
December / 2013 895 34 213 7 3.96% Unknown 63.75
November / 2013 929 -120 206 -5 2.24% Unknown 55.00
October / 2013 809 124 211 5 4.70% Unknown 52.78
September / 2013 933 305 206 50 4.58% Unknown 46.07
August / 2013 1238 -558 156 -64 -4.75% Unknown 36.83
July / 2013 680 190 220 33 8.46% Unknown 44.54
June / 2013 870 -37 187 -19 0.89% Unknown 33.47
May / 2013 833 337 206 36 7.87% Unknown 30.28
April / 2013 1170 -192 170 -20 1.14% Unknown 18.86
March / 2013 978 21 190 11 7.02% Unknown 21.31
February / 2013 999 0 179 New 6.16% Unknown 11.13


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Clareville Pegasus Fd Ltd A1 USD's best month was July 2013, ranked #680 with a HedgeScore of 220 earning a 8.46% positive return.

Clareville Pegasus Fd Ltd A1 USD's worst month was April 2014 , ranked #1665 with a HedgeScore of 122 taking a -10.87% loss.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!