Clairinvest Absolute Europe

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1264
All-time Average Score: 162
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
July / 2015 923 -138 169 -9 0.42% Unknown 9.10
June / 2015 785 44 178 -3 2.01% Unknown 6.93
May / 2015 829 228 181 19 2.71% Unknown 5.04 $1
April / 2015 1057 119 162 11 0.36% Unknown 3.26 $1
March / 2015 1176 -114 151 -17 -0.25% Unknown 5.47 $1
February / 2015 1062 -271 168 -16 1.32% Unknown 6.66 $1
January / 2015 791 492 184 39 4.86% Unknown 8.56 $1
December / 2014 1283 -291 145 -37 -1.11% Unknown 2.57 $1
November / 2014 992 494 182 52 4.29% Unknown 4.70 $1
October / 2014 1486 418 130 -38 -4.31% Unknown 1.57 $1
September / 2014 1904 -622 168 6 -0.21% Unknown 8.18 $1
August / 2014 1282 29 162 8 -1.01% Unknown 11.81
July / 2014 1311 320 154 -22 -1.57% Unknown 13.10
June / 2014 1631 -455 176 3 0.21% Unknown 20.56
May / 2014 1176 -203 173 -7 0.96% Unknown 14.86
April / 2014 973 330 180 7 2.51% Unknown 16.50
March / 2014 1303 111 173 23 0.88% Unknown 16.77
January / 2014 1414 -9 150 -22 -0.92% Unknown 11.77
December / 2013 1405 202 172 23 0.94% Unknown 15.61
November / 2013 1607 -164 149 -6 1.17% Unknown 18.64
October / 2013 1443 83 155 -5 1.92% Unknown 22.43
September / 2013 1526 -140 160 14 3.14% Unknown 23.11
August / 2013 1386 -311 146 -30 0.13% Unknown 25.35
July / 2013 1075 505 176 48 4.92% Unknown 43.32
June / 2013 1580 -388 128 -47 -4.53% Unknown 39.28
May / 2013 1192 78 175 14 2.41% Unknown 53.84
April / 2013 1270 266 161 23 2.75% Unknown 36.43
March / 2013 1536 0 138 New 1.36% Unknown 20.47


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Clairinvest Absolute Europe's best month was July 2013, ranked #1075 with a HedgeScore of 176 earning a 4.92% positive return.

Clairinvest Absolute Europe's worst month was June 2013 , ranked #1580 with a HedgeScore of 128 taking a -4.53% loss.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!