Clareville Pegasus Fd Ltd A2 USD

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 658
Current Score: 172
Current Rank: 658
All-time Average Rank: 1197
All-time Average Score: 158
Max Drawdown: -8.58
Annualized Standard Deviation: 8.38
Year to Date Return: 13.96
5-Star Rating: 8.38

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 658 217 172 6 2.69% Unknown 4.18 44.22
April / 2016 875 -242 166 -12 1.05% Unknown 3.38 39.02
March / 2016 633 -249 178 23 4.39% Unknown 3.02 43.79
February / 2016 384 45 155 5 3.04% Unknown -2.13 35.49
January / 2016 429 396 150 -9 2.09% Unknown -3.92 37.01
December / 2015 825 69 159 23 0.60% Unknown -1.75 46.90
November / 2015 894 135 136 -11 -1.60% Unknown -2.16 45.48
October / 2015 1029 -204 147 -12 -0.22% Unknown -1.95 45.51
September / 2015 825 274 159 25 0.60% Unknown -1.75 46.90
August / 2015 1099 -131 134 -31 -2.84% Unknown -2.22 51.08
July / 2015 968 24 165 5 -0.38% Unknown 1.48 55.73
June / 2015 992 33 160 -3 -0.82% Unknown 0.65 56.93
May / 2015 1025 205 163 19 1.90% Unknown -2.82 55.01
April / 2015 1230 332 144 33 0.70% Unknown -6.96 41.80
March / 2015 1562 -67 111 -17 -0.83% Unknown -17.66 43.92
February / 2015 1495 -166 128 -6 1.16% Unknown -18.65 52.63
January / 2015 1329 277 134 25 1.52% Unknown -14.10 48.92
December / 2014 1606 232 109 15 -1.27% Unknown -15.79 43.15
November / 2014 1838 -106 94 -14 -1.38% Unknown -11.33
October / 2014 1732 1511 108 -11 -0.02% Unknown -8.07
September / 2014 3243 -1703 119 -19 0.12% Unknown -3.73
August / 2014 1540 377 138 39 0.84% Unknown 0.57
July / 2014 1917 1229 99 -15 -1.19% Unknown -5.02
June / 2014 3146 -1507 114 -19 -4.24% Unknown 4.26
May / 2014 1639 24 133 11 -2.44% Unknown 9.83
April / 2014 1663 -343 122 -49 -10.88% Unknown 21.45
March / 2014 1320 -584 171 -48 -2.03% Unknown 37.84
February / 2014 736 248 219 36 6.82% Unknown 50.59
January / 2014 984 -101 183 -31 -0.48% Unknown 49.64
December / 2013 883 45 214 8 3.96% Unknown 63.80
November / 2013 928 -128 206 -6 2.24% Unknown 55.02
October / 2013 800 124 212 5 4.71% Unknown 52.81
September / 2013 924 300 207 50 4.58% Unknown 46.04
August / 2013 1224 -546 157 -63 -4.77% Unknown 36.83
July / 2013 678 178 220 32 8.46% Unknown 44.57
June / 2013 856 -37 188 -19 0.88% Unknown 33.47
May / 2013 819 350 207 37 7.88% Unknown 30.30
April / 2013 1169 -203 170 -21 1.14% Unknown 18.84
March / 2013 966 49 191 13 7.03% Unknown 21.31
February / 2013 1015 0 178 New 6.15% Unknown 9.44


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Clareville Pegasus Fd Ltd A2 USD's best month was July 2013, ranked #678 with a HedgeScore of 220 earning a 8.46% positive return.

Clareville Pegasus Fd Ltd A2 USD's worst month was April 2014 , ranked #1663 with a HedgeScore of 122 taking a -10.88% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!