Clareville Pegasus Fd Ltd B1 GBP

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1198
All-time Average Score: 173
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2015 1046 197 161 18 1.91% Unknown -2.78 51.49
April / 2015 1243 338 143 34 0.67% Unknown -6.95 40.74
March / 2015 1581 -37 109 -17 -0.86% Unknown -17.53 40.55
February / 2015 1544 -201 126 -7 1.12% Unknown -18.48 49.36
January / 2015 1343 284 133 26 1.58% Unknown -14.04 45.74
December / 2014 1627 102 107 -5 -1.27% Unknown -15.75 39.95
November / 2014 1729 -217 112 -16 -1.41% Unknown -11.57 42.29
October / 2014 1512 1290 128 -10 -0.02% Unknown -8.49 47.99
September / 2014 2802 -1378 138 -11 0.13% Unknown -4.35 44.98
August / 2014 1424 331 149 31 0.86% Unknown -0.59 45.78
July / 2014 1755 915 118 -15 -1.21% Unknown -5.98 51.17
June / 2014 2670 -1283 133 -21 -4.16% Unknown 2.72 56.74
May / 2014 1387 -13 154 9 -2.46% Unknown 8.03 63.10
April / 2014 1374 -375 145 -52 -10.78% Unknown 19.27 68.12
March / 2014 999 -456 197 -48 -1.99% Unknown 34.93 94.29
February / 2014 543 164 245 37 6.63% Unknown 46.78 96.66
January / 2014 707 -68 208 -30 -0.44% Unknown 46.07 84.33
December / 2013 639 61 238 9 3.62% Unknown 59.38 87.24
November / 2013 700 -88 229 -6 2.03% Unknown 51.30 76.12
October / 2013 612 118 235 9 4.50% Unknown 49.40 72.61
September / 2013 730 268 226 50 4.07% Unknown 43.02 58.13
August / 2013 998 -455 176 -62 -4.62% Unknown 34.60 46.44
July / 2013 543 167 238 35 7.93% Unknown 41.93 51.55
June / 2013 710 -35 203 -20 0.80% Unknown 31.62 34.39
May / 2013 675 320 223 39 7.69% Unknown 28.58 36.71
April / 2013 995 -169 184 -21 0.93% Unknown 17.43 30.56
March / 2013 826 17 205 12 6.61% Unknown 20.05 31.92
February / 2013 843 0 193 New 6.11% Unknown 10.34 22.37


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Clareville Pegasus Fd Ltd B1 GBP's best month was July 2013, ranked #543 with a HedgeScore of 238 earning a 7.93% positive return.

Clareville Pegasus Fd Ltd B1 GBP's worst month was April 2014 , ranked #1374 with a HedgeScore of 145 taking a -10.78% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!