Clareville Pegasus Fd Ltd B2 USD

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1441
All-time Average Score: 152
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2015 1083 201 158 19 1.90% Unknown -2.82 38.66
April / 2015 1284 315 139 33 0.70% Unknown -6.96 26.79
March / 2015 1599 -21 106 -17 -0.83% Unknown -17.66 28.64
March / 2015 1578 -179 123 -6 1.15% Unknown -18.65 35.89
January / 2015 1399 359 129 41 1.52% Unknown -14.10 32.54
December / 2014 1758 94 88 -1 -1.27% Unknown -15.79
November / 2014 1852 -75 89 -14 -1.38% Unknown -11.55
October / 2014 1777 1554 103 -11 -0.02% Unknown -8.44
September / 2014 3331 -1647 114 -11 0.12% Unknown -4.39
August / 2014 1684 260 125 33 0.84% Unknown -0.42
July / 2014 1944 1315 92 -14 -1.20% Unknown -5.73
June / 2014 3259 -1556 106 -21 -4.24% Unknown 2.96
May / 2014 1703 29 127 11 -2.44% Unknown 8.39
April / 2014 1732 -315 116 -49 -10.88% Unknown 19.30
March / 2014 1417 -614 165 -48 -2.03% Unknown 35.27
March / 2014 803 278 213 37 6.82% Unknown 47.18
January / 2014 1081 -111 176 -31 -0.48% Unknown 45.69
December / 2013 970 20 207 7 3.71% Unknown 59.56
November / 2013 990 -125 200 -5 2.08% Unknown 51.32
October / 2013 865 137 205 5 4.40% Unknown 49.32
September / 2013 1002 287 200 48 4.28% Unknown 43.07
August / 2013 1289 -547 152 -61 -4.54% Unknown 34.39
July / 2013 742 201 213 32 7.92% Unknown 41.59
June / 2013 943 -35 181 -18 0.81% Unknown 31.32
May / 2013 908 339 199 36 7.38% Unknown 28.24
April / 2013 1247 -208 163 -21 1.05% Unknown 17.46
March / 2013 1039 33 184 11 6.60% Unknown 19.97
March / 2013 1072 0 173 New 5.74% Unknown 10.27


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Clareville Pegasus Fd Ltd B2 USD's best month was July 2013, ranked #742 with a HedgeScore of 213 earning a 7.92% positive return.

Clareville Pegasus Fd Ltd B2 USD's worst month was April 2014 , ranked #1732 with a HedgeScore of 116 taking a -10.88% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!