Akragas SIF SICAV Heracles Fund (EUR) A

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 642
All-time Average Score: 215
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
October / 2015 420 578 219 76 10.35% Unknown 4.76 $3,420,961
August / 2015 998 -493 143 -74 -8.33% Unknown 1.22 $3,354,014
July / 2015 505 227 217 36 1.70% Unknown 13.70 $3,601,387
June / 2015 732 -276 181 -45 -4.34% Unknown 11.83 $3,571,093
May / 2015 456 202 226 24 1.48% Unknown 17.09 $3,673,136
April / 2015 658 -244 202 -30 -1.15% Unknown 18.27 $3,699,473
March / 2015 414 76 232 0 2.89% Unknown 20.39 $4,016,808
February / 2015 490 -80 232 0 3.92% Unknown 16.02 $4,020,669
January / 2015 410 356 232 37 4.44% Unknown 15.32 $3,892,763
December / 2014 766 -156 195 -25 -0.93% Unknown 8.52 $3,964,658
November / 2014 610 -38 220 1 1.68% Unknown 12.61 $3,989,334
October / 2014 572 543 219 16 1.45% Unknown 12.48 $3,943,149
September / 2014 1115 -674 203 -50 -0.85% Unknown 14.03 $3,919,062
August / 2014 441 104 253 25 2.97% Unknown 18.62 $21,882,228
July / 2014 545 133 228 -10 0.03% Unknown 13.67 $21,454,395
June / 2014 678 -206 238 -5 0.16% Unknown 18.62 $29,087,010
May / 2014 472 204 243 34 2.50% Unknown 13.75 $26,982,440
April / 2014 676 341 209 14 0.62% Unknown 10.37 $25,809,212
March / 2014 1017 -391 195 -37 -0.85% Unknown 10.80 $28,606,328
February / 2014 626 250 232 39 3.30% Unknown 15.15 $38,116,405
January / 2014 876 0 193 New -1.72% Unknown 12.94 $30,002,220


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Akragas SIF SICAV Heracles Fund (EUR) A's best month was October 2015, ranked #420 with a HedgeScore of 219 earning a 10.35% positive return of $354,069.

Akragas SIF SICAV Heracles Fund (EUR) A's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #998 with a HedgeScore of 143 taking a -8.33% loss of -$279,389.


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Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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