Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 310
All-time Average Score: 261
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 269 -106 234 -42 -2.59% Unknown 2.74 $333,703,671
October / 2015 163 106 276 42 3.32% Unknown 5.77 $341,861,858
September / 2015 269 -12 234 -5 -2.59% Unknown 2.74 $333,703,671
August / 2015 257 -85 239 -42 -3.57% Unknown 5.84 $344,595,203
July / 2015 172 132 281 37 1.60% Unknown 12.15 $351,043,565
June / 2015 304 -110 244 -40 -4.11% Unknown 10.21 $353,555,931
May / 2015 194 50 284 20 0.91% Unknown 15.56 $362,705,959
April / 2015 244 -75 264 -28 -1.56% Unknown 16.54 $372,995,783
March / 2015 169 2 292 -5 2.01% Unknown 18.61 $346,739,905
March / 2015 171 -43 297 5 4.19% Unknown 16.43 $334,797,268
January / 2015 128 120 292 21 3.80% Unknown 14.05 $315,412,130
December / 2014 248 82 271 8 0.22% Unknown 9.76 $318,711,290
November / 2014 330 14 263 10 1.85% Unknown $319,861,183
October / 2014 344 117 253 0 0.36% Unknown $309,570,806
September / 2014 461 -85 253 -10 0.35% Unknown $310,562,719
August / 2014 376 39 263 19 2.18% Unknown $313,673,107
July / 2014 415 123 244 -10 -0.16% Unknown $312,173,313
June / 2014 538 -176 254 -6 0.54% Unknown $307,580,464
May / 2014 362 7 260 9 1.77% Unknown $302,719,287
April / 2014 369 90 251 1 0.18% Unknown $302,104,522
March / 2014 459 -38 250 -11 0.13% Unknown $300,604,144
March / 2014 421 35 261 20 2.06% Unknown $300,863,467
January / 2014 456 0 241 New -0.11% Unknown $280,860,960


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Exp Inv SICAV-SIF MIDAS Glo Bala B EUR C's best month was March 2015, ranked #171 with a HedgeScore of 297 earning a 4.19% positive return of $14,028,006.

Exp Inv SICAV-SIF MIDAS Glo Bala B EUR C's worst month was June 2015 , ranked #304 with a HedgeScore of 244 taking a -4.11% loss of -$14,531,149.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!